Jun 2, 2014

Ex girlfriend of Bodhi Tree who also knew David Anderson provides a human side to these two men

I attended a 402 hearing last Friday for the Anderson case and jury selection is expected to start soon. A group of close friends were there to support Anderson.

Shaqeya saw Bodhi Tree a couple of days before Rhett August was shot and she confirmed he did have black eyes. She also said "it seems he has mental issues". Shaqeya said even after they broke up, they remained good friends. She said Bodhi is "kinda slow, takes him a while to process things." Both Anderson and Tree are having hearings and she is in the courtroom supporting Anderson but stopped in briefly to check on the Tree trial.

She said Bodhi was never violent with her but did confirm that at the time of Rhett August's shooting and Christina and Sunsine's murder, Tree was doing drugs.

Regarding David Anderson who has some serious charges including human trafficking, she and other friends present a different picture. She has known him since they "were kids" and are just friends. Shaqeya said she does not know if Anderson is responsible for what he has been accused of but regarding the violent charges, she said she does not believe those because he never displayed such behavior. "He was always very respectful."

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