Jun 24, 2015

Rio dell police officer Harralson posted bail, hires private attorney, case moved Courtroom 5, jury trial anticipated

Rio Dell police officer posted bail, was out of custody and has retained private attorney Mr. Michael Robinson to represent him.

He was dressed in blue slacks and black pants for court. He had posted bail. People did not serve him with a protective order. His attorney asked the case be moved from Courtroom 3, early resolution to Courtroom 5, home court for a disposition and reset on August 26.

Mr. Robinson said they anticipate a jury trial. Only KAEF TV and I were in court. Channel 3 showed up later in Courtroom 2 looking for this case, where I was covering the Phoenix Campbell-Loya jury trial.

Mr. Robinson said his client waives time, because there is an extensive discovery, he requested the disposition and reset hearing in 60 days, said he anticipates motions and a jury trial.

Mr. Robinson requested the case be moved out of early resolution court and be moved to the home court. The defense also stipulated to a CAST agreement.

The victim was not present but victim witness representative was in court.

DDA Kelly Neel filed the complaint and is the prosecutor on the case.

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