Dec 19, 2014

Protect and serve should be look out and duck

Protect and serve should be changed to look out and duck. Especially, here in Humboldt.

Multiple offenders, not taking the law seriously, laughing in courts, shooting and attacking law enforcement without provocation.

Realignment, another failure by out of touch California legislators; Prop 47 another mistake by touchy feely voters who cannot be bothered to read before they vote.

I am so fed up of crime and the headlines of stabbing and shootings. What is worse are the idiots blogging away in the comment section with no clue, just a keyboard addiction.

Look in the mirror.

Are you a part of illegal money? Are you the lynch mob inciting hate against law enforcement? Are you a bleeding heart lawyer or voter that thinks every criminal needs to be coddled or is innocent?

Law abiding, working citizens are being run over by career criminals and those that assist and enable them.

This isn't a Democrat or Republican problem. A rich or poor problem. It is a you problem. Rights come with responsibilities. Your right doesn't come at the expense of someone else.

How many of you would watch out for someone constantly belittling and blaming you?

Some of the public have way too much time on their hands, filming and questioning every law enforcement encounter on their cell phone. Life is not a video game fantasy.

Get off your butt, take care of your business and if you have extra time, do something to make this a better community.

Be grateful they still protect and serve.

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