The postal service claimed it has to cut mail service because of the prefund mandate for retiree health benefits. The local union had their claim. See link below.
The real story is that government and unions want someone else to pay for job security for some Americans and to stick it to others who work.
Sacrifice only applies to private sector.
The local post service employees lose because unions are ineffective today except to collect dues and hold negotiations hostage until they get demands. Government just passes the buck.
Why do national and local businesses continue to support national and local media who work against objective reporting and providing facts to the public? As customers, tell businesses if they want your money, they need to advertise more effectively.
News used to be a public service for most media outlets. In radio stations, it was like a lost leader and was separated from entertainment and sales. Now it is a mostly a for profit business. Media doesn't want to report on things that would upset any of their current or potential advertisers. Local content is also almost gone as news departments have been dismantled and replaced by more business friendly infotainment content.