Mar 15, 2025

Third loss for Griego, once again Judge McElfresh rules in favor of County in lawsuit filed by former court reporter


Last April, I reported that Kay Gibbs, former court reporter who worked for Humboldt Superior Court for 40 years is suing the County.

Del Norte Superior Judge Darren McElfresh was assigned to the case. Mr. Patrik Griego represents Gibbs. Mr. Griego told me he is doing this pro bono.

The County of Humboldt is County is represented by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, a Fresno law firm.

Judge McElfresh's latest ruling filed 3/11/25 was served on the parties on 3/13/25 according to e court. This is the third loss for Mr. Griego.

Jugde McElfresh granted the County's demurrer without leave to amend. "Unfortunately plaintiff has not provided a single cite on point regarding lost or ancient payment history records of a public employee within the State of California, which has hired milions of people throughout its history."

"In regards to reviewing any witheld records, a simple mandamus will suffice,"was the last sentence of Judge McElfresh's ruling.

Janssen Malloy is not going to be happy with this post. Nor is Mr. Patrik Griego. Or all the buddy buddy lawyers and court insiders. I am simply reporting on Judge McElfresh's ruling. 

I wrote some of this on another post about another local lawyer. The reason this blog rankles the court insiders, Humboldt Superior Court and some local lawyers is because the public is informed of losses, of lawyers who are good and others who do not like my factual coverage because their record of losses is revealed. No lawyer wins every case. When you are paying someone money; you deserve to know what your options are. Google and search Janssen Malloy on my blog. In a small county, for a long time, certain people were used to ruling the roost and getting their way. 

The other media doesn't cover most court cases, does not cover court regularly or reveal  connections that are relevant. My honest coverage is inconvenient to them. Secure and good lawyers who I have reported sometimes disagree with me but they are respectful and say what they want to directly to me. They also are too busy making money, in demand and defending their clients. Secure and good lawyers appreciate honest coverage and they know that is why the community trusts me. Anonymous digs and talking behind my back does not bother me. As I said many timed, no one who makes money, important decisions is paying attention to anonymous comments. There wouldn't be constant attacks if I was not effective. The majority of the public have conversations in real life and don't care what the same few anon trolls who comment on neighborhood Facebook pages and other useless online sites. Those anons include people who don't live here. 

I like Kay. Very hardworking and one of the nicest, most professional court reporters. I also know that in the court system; money matters. If you can afford a lawyer and the time to drag out the process; you have a better chance. Kay is fortunate that she has a local lawyer willing to do this pro bono. The court system is so broken and in a small, rural county, options for assistance or legal assistance are non-existent. 

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