Mar 6, 2025

EPD arrests two yesterday for Feb 16 incident at the Sequoia Park Zoo

Eureka Police Department issued a press release this afternoon about two arrests yesterday for felony vandalism, felony charge of conspiracy to commit a crime and entering an animal enclosure. One of the suspects, a minor was also arrested for petty theft.  This is from a February 16 incident at the Sequoia Park Zoo.

I received a tip about 19 year old Andres Deon Escareno-Higgins which I am in the processof verifying and will update the post.

EPD Press Release:

On February 16, 2025 at about 6:27 PM, the Eureka Police Department received a call reporting a disturbance at Sequoia Park Zoo. Zoo staff reported that at about 4:30PM, three subjects had been escorted out of the Barnyard section of the zoo after gaining access to a restricted and unauthorized area. Video surveillance determined that there was an additional subject involved making it a total of four. 

On February 18, 2025, a photo taken from the surveillance video was shared on social media requesting the public’s assistance in identifying the involved suspects. It was determined one of the suspects was a minor and photos were removed from the post.  EPD’s Park Ranger and Forensic Analyst were able to positively identify all four subjects with the information received from the community.  

On March 5, 2025, two of the subjects were arrested. 19-year-old Andres Escareno-Higgins of Eureka was arrested on a Ramey Warrant for felony Vandalism of $400 or more (PC594(b)(1)), felony Conspiracy to Commit a Crime (PC182(a)(1)) and Entering an Animal Enclosure (PC602.13(a). The other arrest was of the minor suspect for felony Vandalism of $400 or more (PC594(b)(1)), felony Conspiracy to Commit a Crime (PC182(a)(1)), Entering an Animal Enclosure (PC602.13(a)) and Petty Theft (PC488).   

The Eureka Police Department would like to thank all the members of our community who provided the necessary information which led to the quick identity of all involved subjects. 

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