Today is Day 24 of the Brandon and Jesse Widmark jury trial and the third day of deliberations. Jurors were waiting to be let in at 9:38 a.m. and were called into the Coutroom at 9:39 a.m. At 9:47 jurors exited to resume deliberations and were let in the deliberation room at 9:50 a.m.
If you are reading each post and following the coverage of this case regularly, you have the daily updates on jury deliberations.
Judge Steven Steward remarks told the jurors,"I received your note as to Counts 8 and 10." Those two counts list both Brandon and Jesse Widmark.
"You all were correct about the erroneous names and you will be provided with the correct names." Jurors were given a red envelope and instructed to put the incorrect verdict forms in that envelope.
The court clerk found another error in the verdict form for the special allegation pertaining to Count 5. The victim is listedas HCSO Deputy Raleigh Willoughby but it should be HCSO Deputy Chad Crotty.
"I apologize to you all," said Judge Steward.
The DA's office prepared the verdict forms. Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees is the prosecutor for this case. Ms. Andrea Sullivan is Jesse Widmark's attorney. Ms. Rebecca Linkous is Brandon Widmark's attorney.
Jurors deliberated until lunch and resumed delibetations at 1:30 p.m. At 2:35 p.m. the bailiff went into the jury deliberation room. At 2:49, Mr. Rees went into the courtroom. Note from jury. 3 p.m. Ms. Sullivan here. 3:02 Ms. Linkous. Jurors wanted to know if they found a defendant guilty but could not reach an unanimous decision on the special allegation, should they leave the verdict form blank. After their afternoon break around 3:30, jurors went back into deliberations at 3:42 p.m. Left at 4:25 p.m.
Depending on if there is a verdict or what the verdict is, the People already told Judge Steward that they are willing to waive jury trial on aggravated circumstances. Both Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Linkous said she has to see what happens and discuss with her client. Ms. Sullivan is in the middle of jury selection for another trial and just said she would not be ready to proceed today.
3/12 court minutes:
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