Feb 21, 2014

Mark's hissy fit over the General Plan short on facts, big on spin

Mark has certainly learned from his past actions. Wasn't it just a four months ago that he apologized for letting his frustrations get the better of him at a California State Association of Counties meeting? This time he didn't give a good old fashioned pat on the back; he just threw another hissy fit and went to select media to complain about the "corrupt" Planning Commission.

When the Board of Supervisors were more in line with Mark's way of thinking, meetings were perfect. How many years did Neely et al have to pass the General Plan update changes?

Elections in 2010 did not go a certain way. Since then allegations of developers behind any decisions certain Board of Supervisors do is the standard tactic used to distract the public from the real goal.

Mark has a right to his opinion. In fact, as one of the Supervisors, he has the opportunity to review the recommendations of the Planning Commission and vote and comment. So why the spin? And why go to the media now?

The McKenny article followed by the Planning Commission article is a badly veiled attempt at stirring up public frenzy to get opponents to run against Virginia and Ryan before March 7. Mark and those behind that have the right but don't disguise it as being concerned about the public and spin it as something else.

The process is that the Planning Commission reviewed, then was asked to re -review and send a draft to the Board, who will hold a straw vote and can still make changes before a final vote. Unlike Mark’s allegation, it is the in fact the job of the Planning Commission to be advisory board that gives recommendations on policy.

It is Mark who is attempting to manipulate the outcome with only his interpretation of the Planning Commission draft. He is aided in that attempt by certain media. You started this Mark, the other Supervisors did not go public about what should be a discussion in the Board Chambers before the public when they also get to state their views.

Mark has a history of carefully crafted statements, his physical slap of  Virginia and Rex was just a “good old boy” pat on the back.

Then he spins the truth by claiming that the Planning Commission deleted trails from the plan when they combined it into another section. He further claims being outraged by how the Commission reduced setbacks from creeks and wetlands when they actually recommended that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife determine the appropriate determination of setbacks, which is their role and responsibility.

Mark also claims, without any specific details, that the Commission has many Brown Act violations.He claims that the Commissioners, other than his appointee, are acting out of personal bias. Does his EPIC appointee act completely free of his biases?

Seems Mark is annoyed that he cannot just tell everyone else what to do. The Board, in his own words, is 4 to 1. Again, that is Mark’s and certain people on the extreme left's claim that this is an unfair balance but it was okay when Mark and fellow Supervisors he controlled were on the Board of Supervisors?

Mark comes off as  condescending and lectures  his fellow Supervisors and the public because when things don’t go his way, we are just too dumb to understand these complicated issues. The Board of Supervisors meetings would be half as long if Mark did not repeat the same things three or four times.

Speaking of developers? What major developments? Any move to develop, assuming one can get through the ridiculous bureaucracy in California is then followed by lawsuits by EPIC, Baykeeper et al. 

Mark needs to understand that he is more likely to get others to move toward his position if he treats them with respect. And that to the average person struggling, we would rather see development than stagnant promises of a better life and wages.

How are those anger management classes going Mark? You may have deleted the facebook post but asking for pitchforks at a public meeting and calling your fellow Supervisors stupid shows you gave lip service after the Del Norte incident because your behavior is still inappropriate.

Unlike Mark, I will post the actual changes from the draft with what language was crossed out. Not my interpretation, but what was on record. Read and decide for yourself.


  1. What is truly bizarre are the coastal trails to the west of Manila,
    eroded to hell,dead trees, displaced wildlife, boardwalks promised and paid for but never built.
    Wetlands delineated federally by USFWS, ignored, stripped of
    vegetation and drained. Lovelace wont even look let alone help.


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