Jun 11, 2024

Dont expect anything to happen in the Widmark cases anytime soon, especially with the chaos caused by Brandon unnecessary defense filings


(Brandon Widmark)

(Jesse Widmark)

I was in court today. Trial confirmation was scheduled in Brandon and Jesse Widmark 2023 cases where they went on a crime spree all over Eureka until they were apprehended. Brandon Widmark has several other cases and so many different dates and developments including extradition on two other cases which only involve him.

Further trial confirmation is scheduled for June 17 because in addition to a petition for mental health diversion scheduled for June 13 filed by his attorney, Ms. Rebecca Linkous which the People object to so there will be a contested hearing, she plans to file a motion to continue. 

I agree with Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal who said, off record to Ms. Linkous, "he looks competent.

Don't expect the 2023 cases to go anywhere soon. This case and developments would not be so chaotic if  Ms. Linkous would not file multiple filings on multiple days in the Brandon Widmark case which go nowhere and create unneccessary chaos. Both her 995 motions were denied and this petition on mental health diversion will waste more time.

A more valid reason for a continuance would in Jesse Widmark's case. Ms. Andrea Sullivan filed a 827 petition to get access to juvenile records in a case for Jesse Widmark. Those records are confidential. She did this in late February and there has been no communication from Humboldt Superior Court. Judge Steven Steward had nothing in his file. The DA's office had been noticed, Mr. Bernthal had not seen it. Ms. Sullivan asked Judge Steward to make a record in the court minutes and when I checked e court, that was entered by the court clerk. 

Errors in court minutes, paperwork being MIA is happening a lot more in the la la land of Humboldt Superior court.

If you read my previous coverage and exclusive coverage, Brandon has the lengthier history, several cases and Jesse is his younger brother. Jesse could get a plea because his attorney Ms. Sullivan is using her time to get information that will help in a resolution. If Brandon cared for his sibling, he'd man up and take responsibility for the 2023 crime spree and allow this case to resolve.

6/13: Hearing on petition on mental health diversion continued by defense.

6/17: Hearing on petition on mental health diversion for Brandon Widmark continued by defense, again to 7/9. Extradition review in Brandon Widmark's case trailing. 6/24 date vacated. Trial setting in Brandon and Jesse Widmark case's on 7/12.

7/9: Trial confirmation on 11/9; jury trial on 12/16. Petition for mental health diversion for Brandon Widmark continued to 7/12 then again to 8/30 due to courtroom unavailability.

8/30: Another waste of time by Linkous on the peition of mental health diversion. It was denied by Judge Steven Steward.

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