Jun 12, 2024

Daniel Epperson sent graphic, anti semitic, violent texts to the Ulanseys, beat his own parents, hurled hate speech against his own Jewish family members and has a criminal history


Criminal and hate crime suspect  Daniel Epperson is no stranger to law enforcement, the courts.

Last week, I did a post on his custody status and the criminal protective order filed in his case. 

You can read for yourself the threats he made to Lee and Josh Ulansey and his previous court history. This post has exclusive information about texts and DMs and insight from sources familiar with Epperson. According to information provided to me, Epperson beat his own parents and made anti semitic and hate speech to Jewish family members.

The language is graphic, hateful, racist and anti semitic and I am surprised the DA's office chose to charge Epperson with misdemeanors. 

Following were posts made on Facebook (generally visible):

"Hitler was on to something good"

"I’m coming for your nigger ass soon. Lee, Im watching you dumb fuck"

"Lee Ulansey will die"

"Fuck the goddamn jews"

"More jews need to die"

"Fuck all jews"

"Lee Ulansey must die"

"I hope they all die in the jew war"

"Die jews"

"I’m ready, are you jews?"

"Lee Ulansey will die soon"

There were even more direct horrible threats made to Mr. Ulansey's family members. 

Here are other direct DMs.  

"Fuck you jew"

"I will kill your dad"

"Go die in your dumb Jew war"

"Your piece of garbage dad will die"

"I will kill your dad"

"He is a nigger"

"Jew ass nigger"

"You should have been put in a concentration camp before you were born"

"I will die for a better cause"

Regarding Epperson, this is what a source told me. "This individual has a documented history of violence in the community. He has beaten his parents and he has made similar hate speech towards other Jewish members of his own family. Further, he has unsuccessfully attended rehab multiple times for substance-abuse issues."

"I do not doubt that he has mental health issues that need to be addressed, however there is no reason whatsoever given his history to believe that any program of outpatient counseling will be successful. In fact, quite the contrary is true.  He has repeatedly failed numerous programs and the threats and comments that were made by Mr. Epperson provide clear notice of what he’s going to do and what will happen."

Charges for the 2024 case:

Previous court cases:

Screenshot of the 2015 case wasn't very clear. It was dismissed after Epperson successfully completed deferred entry of judgement.

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