Nov 26, 2014

Almost a year has passed, Fr. Eric's words and teachings live on and give strength

To be happy, be thankful.

To be thankful, have faith.

Faith is understanding that all is God’s.”

-Fr. Eric Freed

This was St. Bernard's 2014 strenna written by Fr. Eric. Strenna is a gift given at Christmas or Easter.

Our former pastor taught us to be joyful, to share that joy and our faith with others, and to express it all the time. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year will bring heartache and sadness but also joy and hope and ultimately that will shine through.

Many of us have started sharing feelings, memories, thoughts again as this year comes to an end. For us, Fr. Eric is not forgotten, not gone. He is with us, still.

You are missed so much Fr. Eric. As you often said at times of personal loss, I focus on all the joy, the memories, the times shared. I am grateful for the time spent with you and for what you taught me.

Of all things in my life, I am most grateful for my faith. I am proud of my faith. It is that faith that makes me thankful for everything.

Even the challenges.

Thanksgiving is celebrated tomorrow but as Fr. Eric showed in his words and actions, thanksgiving is every day.

When needed most, his words are soothing comfort and a reminder to always be happy and thankful.

Busted, lies and then arrested again! Billy Joe Rutherford prime example of repeat offender

On November 26, 2014, at about 9:30 AM, Eureka Police Department detectives executed a search warrant at an illegal transient camp located in the greenbelt along Humboldt Bay between Vigo and West Del Norte Streets.  The warrant was obtained in furtherance of the investigation into the apparent accidental shooting which occurred there on November 19, 2014.

Billy Joe Rutherford, age 44, was located inside his tent and detained.  During a search of his campsite, detectives collected evidence pertaining to the shooting investigation.  Detectives also located and seized a number of items unlawfully possessed by Rutherford including a small quantity of ammunition, prescription medication, concentrated cannabis, a large quantity of marijuana, and illegal weapons including a switchblade knife and shuriken (throwing star).

Rutherford was arrested and transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where he was booked for violation of his probation, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, and possession of concentrated cannabis.  Additionally, Rutherford was arrested on outstanding warrants alleging possession and transportation of a controlled substance for sale (felony), brandishing a firearm, and assault and battery (misdemeanors).

Upon completion of the shooting investigating, including a forensic examination of the evidence, a criminal case will be submitted to the District Attorney’s Office and additional charges against Rutherford may follow.

A second male contacted at the campsite, Frederick Stephen Simpson (age 57), was also arrested and booked on outstanding warrants alleging possession of a controlled substance (felony) and unlawful camping (misdemeanor).

Rutherford’s illegal campsite was removed as part of the operation along with a second nearby campsite where the stolen firearms were located following last week’s shooting.  Several truck loads of garbage were removed from the two camps along with approximately 18 bicycles and bicycle frames suspected to be stolen.

Open buckets containing human waste were found behind Rutherford’s camp. Due to the vast amount of junk and garbage found at both campsites, officials were unable to remove all of it during the approximately 4 hour operation.  Follow-up operations are being planned to remove the tremendous amount of rubbish and numerous other illegal camps in that area. EPD’s homeless liaison was on hand during the process to offer resources and alternatives to others.  EPD was also assisted by employees from the City of Eureka’s Parks and Recreation Department.

Previous post:

Strut your stuff in leather! Black Lightning Motorcycle Cafe 25% sale for Black Friday starts early

Black Lightning Motorcycle Cafe, located at 440 F Street in Eureka, is starting Black Friday early this year. This applies to in store items only.  Jackets, Boots, Helmets 25% off.

They have also added a new Panini to the menu "Turkey Pesto". BLMC offers coffee, tea, smoothies, paninis, breakfast, and wine and beer. They support local suppliers and prepare some items fresh at the cafe.

BLMC celebrated their first anniversary this October. They have the only motorcycle parking zone right in front of their business.

For more information, call (707) 442-2562 or visit

Previous links:

Jack Wu of Bayfront and Ritz to lease space in Fisherman's Terminal Building?

Agenda item: DEC 2 Eureka Council meeting

Authorize the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement for Café Space in the Fishermen’s Terminal Building with Jack’s Seafood.

Proposed tenant is Jack Wu. I have a call in to him to confirm but there is only one Jack Wu, who opens restaurants locally. I hope they approve this item.

Nov 25, 2014

"Before Prop 47...we had a law, we had a tool, now we don't"

The most interactive session at the EPD police and private summit and the one with most questions was the presentation by ADA Kelly Neel and her fellow presenters Eureka City Attorney Cyndi Day-Wilson, EPD homeless liaison Pamlyn Millsap and Detective Josh Siipola.

Ms. Neel opened her remarks saying, "Most of my morning is spent reviewing in custody police reports to decide what to charge."

"What makes my job easier is the reports with the most fact gathering, the most description, the most information."

She gave an example of mall security giving the police officer a detailed description of a domestic violence report. "Most people do not realize how often you deal with such incidents."

Ms. Neel explained that with the passage of Prop 47, some crimes that were previously charged as felonies are now misdemeanors. "Before Prop 47, if you had someone chronically coming in, chronically stealing, chronically causing a ruckus, we had a law, we had a tool, now we don't."

Ms. Neel talked about the realities of Prop 47 and the effect realignment has had on laws and probations which affects what the courts "can do or not do."

Ms. Neel commended event coordinator Karen Albin and Eureka Police Chief Andy Mills for this opportunity of outreach. Due to the work and court schedule, she said the DA's office cannot get out as often to do outreach and get feedback and get input.

"About 54 people commit 40% of the crime," was a statistic shared by Ms. Day-Wilson. This list is provided by the City Attorney to EPD. "If I see names once or twice, they are infractions; if I see names more often, they are misedemeanors."

This was a fact that was only mentioned by DA candidate Elan Firpo, the only candidate who was working in the DA's office and having experience with what both Ms. Neel and Ms. Day Wilson shared.

Ms. Day-Wilson said she is the chief legal adviser for the City and the City's prosecutor. She explained she can only prosecute violations of city laws; violations of the Eureka Municipal Code and not Penal Code violations.

Sleeping, camping, open container issues are addressed by laws and a "complaint driven system."

Ms. Day-Wilson mentioned stay away orders that the Court issues for businesses that have had problems and repeated problems with individuals. I have seen them granted in court. Often, these offenders have other, more serious criminal charges with the DA's office. She also mentioned civil harrassment orders if threats had been made and civil remedies. If these orders are violated, EPD can arrest the person.

Ms. Millsap mentioned a state training coming up that will deal with resources and information on how to diffuse situations with individuals. "Substance issues seem to be oneof the biggest problems," she said, referring to bothmental health and transient issues.

This information is also most helpful to the public. Sharing a four hour conference does not do justice to the excellent presentations and recreating the context. Lot of people complain and judge. Commenting and complaining is easy. 

When the public conference is presented show up and sharing these posts is one positive way to address issues.

"I m proud of Eureka but let's face it, we have issues"

Police Chief Andrew Mills opened his remarks at the EPD and private security summit today with, "Thank you for giving us your time during this busy season."

"I see a very diverse group of people in terms of security and activity you perform and that is healthy. At any given time at night, there are three police officers working; private security has four times that number," said Chief Mills.

"For public safety, it is good for us to work together and make Eureka safe and livable community," said Chief Mills. "I'm proud of Eureka but let's face it, we have issues."

Towards the end of his remarks, in response to a comment, he spontaneously responded, "Amen", then caught himself and said,"Oh, I can't even say that because I will get sued."

He introduced Eureka resident Gene Bass who proposed this idea to him and he thanked Mrs. Albin, who got an ovation. Both Chief Mills and Mr. Bass said the attendance exceeded their expectations. Mr. Bass said there will be other conferences, including a similar event for the public.

Next to speak was Eureka City Manager Greg Sparks. The first panel discussion was about laws of arrest and prosecution, Presenters were ADA Kelly Neel and Eureka City Attorney Cyndi Day-Wilson. Mental illness and transient issues by EPD homeless liaison Pamlyn Millsap and trespass issues by Detective Josh Siipola.

There was information sharing by Captain Watson and PIO Powell that focused on common goals between the policecand private security, what types of information could be shared and resources. Law enforcement, dispatch and Communications was the last presentation by Communications Supervisor Jenelle Crinch.

"You can't go at it alone", arrest laws, mental illness, among topics at EPD and Private Security Summit

Panelists and attendees have already started arriving for the EPD summit which is a gathering of Eureka Police and Private Security today and the tables at the Wharfinger are already occupied.

Link to EPD press release earlier today. That post has speakers and information about summit.

 It is a training put on by EPD to share information with private security firms, including loss prevention staff from local businesses. Pictured above is one of the speakers EPD PIO Brittany Powell and to the right is EPD volunteer and event coordinator Karen Albin.

Laws of arrest and prosecution, mental illness and transient issues, trespass issues are some of the topics to be discussed today.

For many of the private firms, information on Prop 47 and changes on what is now a misdemeanor instead of a felony and the presentation by Communications Supervisor Jenelle Crinch is key, said PIO Powell.

Eureka Chamber Commerce Director Don Smullin is here. Seqouia Zoo represented by Jeff Lamoree.

 In addition to Mrs. Albin, the Chamber of Commerce and Eureka Main Street helped publicize the training. Local businesses attending include Eureka Natural Foods, Cafe Nooner and Grocery Outlet. Private security firm American Star seems to have the largest representation. Councilmembers Chet Albin and Marian Brady as well as Supervisors Virginia Bass and Rex Bohn attended.

Only media so far is KIEM TV. Filmed an interview with Eureka Police Chief Andy Mills and left. Another TV crew stopped by and left. No NCJ, LOCO or TS entire evening.

Attorney General to default on Littlefield molestation case? Will Paul do his job?

Listed below is a link to the Attorney General's office. It is regarding the Timothy Littlefield child molestation case.

Does it look like the The Attorney General's office is about to default on the Littlefield Appeal?

I believe the DA's has 15 days from 11/18 notice. Does Paul intend to dispose of this case  inappropriately? Kamala Harris is Paul's buddy as is Littlefield's defense attorney Russ Clanton. Rathercthan appeal Judge John Feeney's decision, it would have been better to try take the case to trial. Twice the jury believed the victim, despite who prosecuted the case.

Previous links:

This is yet another case where the local media did not start covering the appeal or the case until I reported on possible plea deals and the case. When they do, they write what Paul spins.

And I will keep pointing this out occasionally until the media does it's job and reports the whole story and gives proper credit when they cover cases they had no previous interest in  and include information that they did not have access to because it came from history and research they did not know about.

Help locate Ashley Hatter who has been missing almost a week

On 11-23-2014 at around 10:45 P.M. the Sheriff’s Office took a missing person’s report of a female, 32 year old Ashley Hatter. The reporting party, Jason Hatter, told the deputy on Friday.

11-21-2014 at around 7 P.M. his wife Ashley had taken their daughter to a friend’s house, then was going to buy cigarettes. Hatter did not return to her home in Willow Creek. On Saturday morning, Jason found their Ford pickup parked at the Willow Creek Post Office parking lot.

Ashley Hatter is described as a White female adult
5’03” tall, 160-180 pounds.
Brown Hair, Brown Eyes

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Ashley Hatter is asked to call Investigator Greg Musson at (707)268-3653.

EPD holds a private summit to address "Building better relations between security and police to protect the greater Eureka community”

Tonight the Eureka Police Department and private security will be holding a Private Security Summit with the goal to work towards an effective crime fighting solution and force multiplication.  Nearly 70 members of private security are signed up to attend.

Chief Mills and Director Gene Bass will be opening up the summit followed by panel discussions from City Manager Greg Sparks, Assistant District Attorney Kelly Neel, City Attorney Cyndy Day-Wilson, EPD Homeless Liaison Pamlyn Millsap, Officer Siipola, Captain SteveWatson, PIO Brittany Powell, and Communications Supervisor Jennelle Crnich.

“Building better relations between security and police to protect the greater Eureka community,” Chief Mills said about the summit.  “We can’t go at it alone.”

A big thank you to the event’s steering committee: Karen Albin, Gene Bass, Doris Boyd, Mark Boyd, Rick Patton, Chris Peters, and Jerry White.  

Nov 24, 2014

Support small businesses and not because Moonbeam says so

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a letter in support of the upcoming Small Business Saturday on November 29th.  Small Business Saturday is an initiative that marks a day to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country.

“Small businesses embody the entrepreneurial spirit that has driven the economy of our Golden State,” said Governor Brown in his letter. “Over half of our private sector workforce is employed by small business. On Saturday, November 29th, I urge all Californians to support small businesses and merchants on Small Business Saturday and throughout the year.”

California has 3.4 million small businesses which account for 99 percent of the state's employers and employ 52 percent of the workforce.

Prop 47: One way to clear Humboldt County court backlog; except for 1 guy who added to his fate by arguing with his lawyer in court

Normally, it is the felony days that feature a packed courtroom calendar. If I am there for a 2 p.m. case, I plan on staying until 4. And misdemeanor court days go faster, usually.

Today, it looked like a misdemeanor day but it was not. As I sat in court today, waiting for the Quentin Williams case to be called, with the exception of one case, about 6 cases moved along quickly because petitions in each of these cases were being filed by defense attorneys to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor.

These are cases that were charged before Prop 47 passed.

I do not know what the charge was in the one case for the guy that argued with his public defender, Casey Russo. What I do know is that I have seen him before in court. Mr. Russo was standing with him by the "box" where in custody inmates are seated and attorney-client conversations are usually private. Unless someone raises their voice.

What I could gather was that he was expecting a plea bargain. Well dude, when you have dates set and trial is to occur in a couple of days, maybe you should have taken the offer sooner. Instead, dates were set for the case to proceed to trial. Waiting has consequences, so does crime. Repeated crime, unless of course, you are a Prop 47er. Then you get to go out, steal, as long as it is under $950, you get off with a slap on your wrist.

Dollison's Docket on LOCO and Ryan Burn's post Cannabis Voice, as some LOCO commenters like to say are spot on

I enjoy Allan's writing, he is one of my favorite lawyers and this entire post is spot on!

I am not a stakeholder and I am not a expert on marijuana and the industry. However, politics and motives, I do understand a bit.

I have had misgivings about Cannabis Voice, the organization and their motives. The attitude of one key person, Thomas Edrington leaves much to be desired. His dismissive tone about egos and feelings just adds to that feeling. Do they represent everyone that would be affected by this ordinance?

It is rare that I would agree with EPIC. In this case, EPIC, Friends of the Eel River, Supervisor Estelle Fennell and local attorneys raise good points.

Previous posts on this blog on medical marijuana ordinance:
In this blog, the unnamed Cannabis Voice speaker was Edrington. Again, his quote and demeanor speak for him.

Frequent DA informant Quentin Williams lucks out getting Allan Dollison appointed as his defense attorney

On November 6, Allan Dollison was appointed as Quentin Williams attorney by the court. He met with Williams, who has been charged with a felony; failure to register as a sex offender. Williams is a frequent DA informant and listed below are links on Williams and he testified in two recent cases:

On November 7, after meeting with Williams, Mr. Dollison requested that a disposition/reset hearing be scheduled for this afternoon at 2 p.m. in Courtroom 4. The case is being prosecuted by ADA Kelly Neel. At the last hearing, Mr. Dollison told Judge Dale Reinholtsen that there were some discovery issues to be addressed and he submitted a funding order for investigator.

This afternoon, DDA Luke Brownfield was present for the People. Mr. Dollison told the court that he expected a subpoena back on December 17 and requested a Intervention hearing to be set soon. That was set for 3 p.m. on December 17. Mr. Dollison continued to waive time on this case on behalf of his client and a preliminary hearing was set for December 30 at 8:30 a.m.

Mr. Williams has tried to help many inmates out, will someone return the favor?

Last post with other links:

Nov 22, 2014

Tasty healthy signature food, friendly service at Humboldt Soup Company drive thru opens Monday

I did a post on Humboldt Soup Company back on September 19. The doors opened in November. Today, I had the pleasure of meeting Christine Silver, the executive chef, behind the signature soups, sandwiches and more. She remembered my post.

I tried the chicken curry salad sandwich. The raisins, vegetables on fresh bread accentuate the subtle curry flavor. Fresh, healthy food. You can read the menu on the photo below. Today's local bowl is ground turkey with couscous and spices.

The drive thru opens Monday. They are located at 1019 Mrytle, old location of KFC. Check out their facebook page for more info. They just opened this November and I just checked, they have 1,167 likes.

Nov 21, 2014

The Year of the woman in local elections

Humboldt will have it's first female district attorney starting January and with the unofficial results, possibly an all woman Eureka City Council.

Virginia Bass won her 4th District race.

Looks like Humboldt County made this the year of the Woman in local elections.

Two plea deals rejected, case goes to trial but " resolved"?

Two plea deals were rejected in the Workman case, this was a case I covered extensively because it was not high profile. The media as usual, reprints the press release now that the case was successful.

This case went to trial thanks to Allison Jackson, who represented the victim, twice the plea deal was rejected.

The jury came through for the victim who wanted appropriate justice. Please read other posts on this blog for Angela's story.

Jury verdict was guilty of PC 245(a)(1), assault with a deadly weapon and personal infliction of great bodily injury per PC 12022.7.

 Earlier I was told the case had been "resolved" by DDA Zach Curtis and Elmy Workman's attorney, Neal Sanders. from a source who did not realize resolved means jury verdict. . That is what I heard because when I got there this morning, the courtroom was closed, both attorneys left and no one around to confirm.

Mr. Curtis got back to me soon with the jury verdict.  Elmy Workman was found guilty of PC 245(a)(1), assault with a deadly weapon and personal infliction of great bodily injury per PC 12022.7.

The defendant, Elmy Workman left the courtroom after the verdict with her family and was somber. I will cover the sentencing.

I cannot link past posts today. You can search on the blog.

Or check the watch paul post which has links to my blog, other media coverage and commentary by Rose.

Nov 20, 2014

First he lies about Del Norte shooting to EPD, did he reveal the November bust?

Just checked with EPD, no new updates on yesterday's shooting.

Same Billy Rutherford? That is what I think. His name seemed familiar to me.

Update yesterday:

The camouflage shotgun used in the shooting has been identified as a firearm stolen from a Eureka residence on 6/18/2014.

Previous press release:

On November 19, 2014, at about 9:49 a.m., Eureka Police Department officers were dispatched to the foot of West Del Norte Street on the report of shots fired and a male subject with a gunshot wound.  Responding officers located the victim in the greenbelt area a few hundred yards south of West Del Norte Street.  Officers confirmed the victim had sustained a significant gunshot wound to his leg.  He was transported by ambulance to a local hospital where he is currently undergoing treatment.

The victim told officers he was walking with a female companion on a path in the greenbelt northwest of Vigo Street when he was suddenly shot in the leg by an unknown assailant shooting from an unknown location.

During the subsequent investigation, including a sweep of the greenbelt, EPD detectives determined the victim lied and the shooting occurred at an illegal transient camp. The involved shotgun was located concealed in a tent a short distance from where the victim was found.  Other uninvolved guns were also found to be concealed inside the tent.

Detectives believe the victim was accidentally shot by another subject, Billy Joe Rutherford (44 of Arcata), while the two men were handling a semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun inside a tent.

This incident is still under investigation. Detectives are in the process of determining whether or not the firearms are stolen property and illegally possessed by the subjects.  No arrests have been made at this time.  However, a criminal case will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for review upon completion of the investigation.

November press release from Arcata Police Department:

On Sunday at about 9:20p.m., an officer with the Arcata Police Department conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the 1600 block of G Street, based upon the registered owner of the vehicle having a warrant for his arrest for brandishing a weapon and assault and battery.
The officer confirmed that the driver of the vehicle was the registered owner, Arcata resident Billy Joe Rutherford, 44.

During a search of Rutherford incident to his arrest, a small amount of methamphetamine in a plastic baggie was located in his pocket. A search of his vehicle yielded over one ounce of methamphetamine packaged for sales, a glass methamphetamine pipe, approximately 5.5 ounces of concentrated cannabis and a large amount of cash monies.
The methamphetamine has an approximate street value of $1,250.
Billy Joe Rutherford was arrested on the following charges and booked into the Humboldt County Correctional Facility:
H&S 11378 - Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sales
H&S 11379 - Transportation of a Controlled Substance
H&S 11357(a) - Possession of Concentrated Cannabis
H&S 11364.1(a) - Possession of Paraphernalia

Nov 19, 2014

Election update expected by Friday, but not final results

Just spoke with Ms. Carolyn Crinch from Humboldt County Elections office. She is hoping provisional ballots will be counted by this Friday. Final results will take longer because additional ballots from each precinct need to be counted, 1% of ballots need to be hand and other processes completed.

Nov 18, 2014

Humboldt Bay Firefighters “Share the Magic of Christmas” Toy Drive And “Santa for Seniors”

Humboldt Bay Fighters will kick-off their annual “Share the Magic of Christmas” Toy Drive at the Bayshore Mall on November 28 at 9:30 am.  Humboldt Bay Firefighters will be escorting Santa Claus through the Mall, from the Food Court to Santa’s Pavilion.  Children will have the opportunity to have their picture taken with Santa Claus and local firefighters. The media is encouraged to attend.

Firefighters will be collecting toys at the Bayshore Mall November 28, 29, and 30.

Firefighters will be collecting toys at the Humboldt County Artisans Craft Fair at Redwood Acres on December 5, 6 and 7.  Bring a toy or donation and get in for free!

Firefighters are accepting cash donations for the Santa for Seniors program.  All funds go to help support the Humboldt Senior Resource Center’s “White Bag” Program.

Collection of toys and donations until December 16.

Humboldt Bay Firefighters collect the toys and give them to The Salvation Army for local distribution.  They hope to distribute toys to over 600 local families this year!

Humboldt Bay Fighters will also be accepting donations for the 7th Annual Santa for Seniors program which provides holiday meals for local seniors in need.

New and unwrapped toys can be dropped off at any Humboldt Bay Fire Stations or numerous businesses throughout Eureka.

Humboldt Bay Fighters Toy Drive is the oldest and longest running toy drive in Humboldt County.  Firefighters began in the 1920’s by collecting and fixing old toys for local, underprivileged children.  Using their own money on their days off firefighters would collect broken bicycles, dolls, etc. and refurbish them to like new. This tradition has continued to grow ever since, and they have now partnered with The Salvation Army to distribute toys to children in the community that may not otherwise receive a new toy for Christmas.  This event continues to be funded by firefighters from their own pockets as well as through the generous support and donations from local area businesses and citizens.  All of the toys collected are distributed to local children ages 0-12 in Humboldt County. They hope to help over 600 families this year!  This event provides an opportunity for citizens and firefighters to “SHARE THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS” and do something positive for local children.


In addition to the Humboldt Bay Firefighter’s Toy drive, Humboldt Bay Fighter's are proud to be continuing the 6th Annual “Santa for Seniors” program. This year we are partnering with the Humboldt Senior Resource Center.

All donations to “Santa for Seniors” will go to the Humboldt Senior Resource Center’s White Bag Program. This great program provides local Senior citizens with a Holiday bag that has been decorated by local school children.  The bags are filled with food treats for the holidays as well as a warm, nutritious meal. They hope to assemble, wrap, and deliver over 400 bags this year! By making a cash donation to the “Santa for Seniors”, you can help share the gift of Christmas with an elderly person in our community who is less fortunate than yourself!

For further information regarding the “Santa for Seniors” or the Humboldt Bay Firefighter’s “Share the Magic of Christmas” Toy Drive, please contact Firefighter Kyle Brown at Humboldt Bay Fire.

Contact: Firefighter Kyle Brown
Humboldt Bay Fire
(707) 441-4000

Humboldt Bay Fighters Local 652 donates $7,000 to Companion Animal Foundation

Humboldt Bay Firefighters Local 652 presented Companion Animal Foundation with a jumbo check for $7,000! A big "Thank You" goes out to all the local business sponsors, humans, and dogs that made Bark in The Park 2014 a huge success.

Help Humboldt Cider Company reach their goal for their kickstarter campaign

 Humboldt Cider Company, currently operating out of the Redwood Acres area complex, has less than a week left for their kickstarter campaign.

The owners own Humboldt Beer Works by the Coop and the Local Beer Bar on F St.. They have a great product, great growth potential and will make an immediate impact in the Redwood Acres community and our County. They are very close to their kickstarter goal.If you like to support local businesses, here is your chance.

I would like to thank Daniel and Fourth District Virginia Bass for their assistance in helping me get the word out about this local business.

From the Humboldt Cider Company:

We are a new business in town and are currently Humboldt's only hard cider company.
We have recently been holding small events around town where we have our cider on tap and have a sort of meet and greet with people.

We currently have a kickstarter campaign going to help raise funds to build and develop our tasting room, outside garden area, and to purchase better equipment.

Our rewards for different donations very by level. Every donor from the $25 level up gets their name put on our "Founders Wall" in our tasting room. Depending on how much is donated- designates how large your name will be display on the wall.

For more information:

Some other media coverage:

Nov 17, 2014

Prop 47 continues to be the get out of jail card for some ; will shopping cart ordinance ever see prosecutions?

This is from the text of Proposition 47:

The measure requires misdemeanor sentencing instead of felony for the following crimes:[1][2]

Shoplifting, where the value of property stolen does not exceed $950
Grand theft, where the value of the stolen property does not exceed $950
Receiving stolen property, where the value of the property does not exceed $950
Forgery, where the value of forged check, bond or bill does not exceed $950
Fraud, where the value of the fraudulent check, draft or order does not exceed $950
Writing a bad check, where the value of the check does not exceed $950
Personal use of most illegal drugs

How will this affect the Eureka shopping cart ordinance?

Today, while sitting in court, a guy got booked, arrested, from what I could gather incident that included Eureka Grocery Outlet. Thanks to Prop 47, his crime was a misdemeanor. He got released on his own recognizance.

Now he just happened to have no previous convictions, most do. What is his incentive to come back to court? Why not commit another crime?

The court calendar might go faster but who pays the booking fees, the public defender fee's?

Not the ones who commit crimes, in most cases.

Fieldbrook homicide suspect Jason Arreaga prelim on Dec 17

At the last hearing, Arreaga's public defender, Heidi Holmquist requested the preliminary hearing be continued.  Today, the preliminaries. hearing was set forvDecember 17 at 8:30 a.m.. The case is being prosecuted by DDA Zach Curtis. THis hearing was in Courtroom 1 with Judge John Feeney.

Previous posts:

No media was present at this afternoon's hearing.

County Counsel Wendy Chaitin last day Dec 31, who will take over?

 County Counsel Wendy Chaitin's whose  last day is Dec 31. According to unconfirmed reports, Asst County Counsel Carolyn Ruth will take over and that 9 applicants for that position threw in their hat.

This position as legal counsel to the County is a crucial one. Supevisor Rex Bohn confirmed Ms. Chaitin is leaving. Supervisor Bass said Ms. Chaitin is retiring. Supervisor Ryan Sundberg and Supervisor Bohn both said no decision about who is taking over has been made.

There are two Casey Campbells in Eureka, investigation in the 15th and Williams incident still ongoing

I contacted EPD to see if the victim in the 15th and Williams case was the same as the one mentioned in an HCSO press release back in September . EPD Sgt. Bill Nova said that he had no new details other than what is been released to the media already.

What he did say was there are two Casey Campbells in Eureka.

A young man lost his life, the investigation is ongoing. Facts are important, not speculation.

Nov 15, 2014

Real story about USPS closure skirted in most media, local and national

The postal service claimed it has to cut mail service because of the prefund mandate for retiree health benefits. The local union had their claim. See link below.

The real story is that government and unions want someone else to pay for job security for some Americans and to stick it to others who work.

Sacrifice only applies to private sector.

The local post service employees lose because unions are ineffective today except to collect dues and hold negotiations hostage until they get demands. Government just passes the buck.

Why do national and local businesses continue to support national and local media who work against objective reporting and providing facts to the public? As customers, tell businesses if they want your money, they need to advertise more effectively.

Suspects flee towards Bakersfield after robbing their boss in Shelter Cove

On Friday 11/14/2014 at approximately 10:00 AM, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding a robbery that occurred in the Kings Peak area of Shelter Cove. The suspects involved had been in the employ of the victim; and therefore, were known and identified by the victim. (S1) Fernando Borba Guilherme, DOB 12/16/1970, Hispanic male, 5’11”, 185 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes; and (S2) Carl Guilherme, DOB 07/16/1968, Hispanic male, 5’9”, 160 lbs, brown hair, and brown eyes. Both suspects entered the property and were confronted by the victim. Suspect Fernando brandished a small knife at the victim and attempted to steal the victim’s canine. The victim was able to retrieve the canine from the suspect. Suspect Carl forced entry into the victim’s residence and removed four to five pounds of marijuana that was contained in a grey colored tote. Both suspects were seen leaving in a newer model black Dodge Charger with California plates and visible damage to the passenger side quarter panel.

The suspects are reported to be traveling towards Bakersfield, California. Both suspects should be considered armed and dangerous. An arrest authority has been issued on both suspects for Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Robbery, Burglary, and Conspiracy to Commit a Crime.

Multiple fire explosions in Rancho Sequoia area caused by drug lab

On Friday 11/14/2014 at approximately 11:14 AM, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a call from CAL Fire regarding a large fire with multiple explosions occurring in the Rancho Sequoia area in Southern Humboldt. CAL Fire believed the fire was caused by a possible drug lab. CAL Fire responded and found a small single story structure ablaze. It was unknown if the structure was used as a residence. There was no one present on scene upon CAL Fire’s arrival.

Sheriff’s Deputies responded and discovered evidence that Concentrated Cannabis or “Hash” was being produced using a butane extraction method. There were thousands of empty butane canister found discarded on the property along with remnants of marijuana. Three firearms were located on scene and collected. Witnesses stated that a green Jeep SUV was seen leaving the property at a high rate of speed once the explosions began. The land owner has been contacted. There are no known suspects at this time. The investigation is ongoing.

EPD investigating possible homicide after gunfire reported near 15th and Williams

On November 15, 2014, at about 3:59 a.m., Eureka Police officers were dispatched to a report of gun fire in the area of 15th and Williams Streets.  An injured person was reported to be lying on 15th Street.

When officers arrived they found a man who had been shot and was non-responsive.  Medics were called to the scene and lifesaving efforts were attempted, but not successful. Homicide detectives have been called and are on scene investigating the death. The man has not been identified at this time.

Nov 14, 2014

Celebrate Fall at the Wine Spot with the Lost Angel or Thanksgiving with the Turkey Day trio

The Wine Spot, one of my favorite local businesses, has several new selections, including the Lost Angel. This wine is made in Sonoma, and the label touts it as "a mischief red wine". The vintner's tag line is "Naughty wines for Naughty Times."

The Lost Angel boldly teases the palate with it's "fruit forward flavors of black cherries, dried plums, and sultanas."

The Turkey Day Trio, is a Wine Spot Thanksgiving promotion,  will feature a few different packages with three wines for each combination at special price.

This December will be the Wine Spot's 4th anniversary. The Wine Spot is located 234 F St, Eureka.  Call (707) 497-6236

The Ritz in Eureka gets a makeover and is ready to court new suitors

The photos above are a sneak peek and exclusive look at the new and improved Ritz. In addition to a brick oven, owner Dan Ollivier refurbished the floors and the bar and put in new carpets and painted the Ritz and the Ritz Annex.

Dan and his wife Jayne own several historic properties in Eureka. They have restored several buildings in Old Town and are avid art patrons.

The Ritz brings back fond memories for many. It has been through a few incarnations, and presently, there has been some interest from potential buyers. If you are a budding entrepreneur looking to invest and bring back the glory of the Ritz, call Dan at (707) 672-2113.

Related post about Dan Ollivier:

My article on the Ritz:

Cruise the West during the next Eureka City Council meeting

A Cruise the West Presentation is scheduled during the Eureka City Council November 18 meeting agenda given by Bruce Connor of Cruise the West. This is part of 5th Ward Council member Chet Albin's effort to bring cruise ships to Eureka.

Fire in Rancho Sequoia area related to hash lab

On 11/14/11 at approximately 1114 hrs. the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call of a fire in the area of Rancho Road and Spring St. in the Rancho Sequoia area of Alderpoint. There were reportedly explosions heard in the area of the fire. Cal-Fire and Sheriff’s Deputies responded to the scene and determined that the fire had destroyed a small outbuilding and were related to a hash extraction lab. Deputies located thousands of empty butane bottles on the property. A green Jeep (no further description) was seen leaving the area at the time the fire was reported. No persons were located on the property.

Best scenario for Measure Z potential hires is next July

December 2 is the board meeting and if the November 4 election votes have been certified., then action can start on Measure Z.CAO Phillip Smith-Hanes said July 1 is the date new public safety hires can be hired. He gave a brief report on Measure Z and any action that can be taken and why.

He asked for direction and quick action on Citizen's Avisory Committee. Tax wont be collected until next June but buget will be presented before. CAO Smith-Hanes said he needed decision about committee today to meet deadlines.

Supervisor Fennell proposed a committee structure consisting of 9 member, 5 from each district, 2 at large, 1 from CCP, 1 law enforcement, 1 fire. Supervisor Mark Lovelace concurred. Clarification no beneficiaries of funds be on committee, for example Sheriff. Supervisor Fenell stressed it be a citizen committee. Supervisor Lovelace said as meetings are public, anyone can attend.

This was in response to Supervisor Rex Bohn that how would lay people know needs of police, fire? He wanted to make sure before Board made a final decision, they had the full picture.

Supervisor Ryan Sundberg suggested if fire chief and CCP pick first, the Supervisors could make decisions about at-large to round out groups.

Supervisor Sundberg said there was a lot of interest in this Committee and he had already received 9 calls. Supervisor Bohn thanked the public for voting. There were other suggestions and public comment.

Eventually, staff was directed to bring back a proposal for the board to vote on.

"You two can become one now", Supervisor Bohn quips before decision about Coroner and Sheriff offices being consolidated

The Board had two options after Coroner DaveParris's resignation. One was to appoint someone for remainder of term. The other a consolidation of two County offices. CAO Phillip Smith Hanes explained why the latter option was more beneficial and the pricess the first entailed. Supervisor Fenell said from a budgetary point of view consolidation makes sense.

Before the Sheriff and Coroner spoke to the Board, Supervisor Bohn joked, "You two can become one right now joking they could sit together or speak as one.

Coroner Parris spoke about the proposed change. Said not easy to come and suggest this about an office in existence for 100 years. Mr. Parris said Coroner's office has struggled with funding, except for General Fund. Due to not being a stand alone office, the Coroner's office cannot secure grants. In the past, he said he has sought assistance from Sheriff's office.  Some of Mr. Parris' remarks were the same as his press release earlier this week.

Even before the vote, Supervisor Rex Bohn and Supervisor Estelle Fenell thanked Mr. Parris for his service, compassion and positive feedback from families.

Sheriff Mike Downey said he would be part of this transition and "serve at the will of the Board". With funding and employees, he reiterated that this consolidation would be beneficial to th community. He said if there were concerns about Sheriff's office in certain cases, there are safeguards and assistance of other Counties can be used and has been used in the past.

Supervisor Sundberg thanked them both and thanked Sheriff Downey for "taking on this extra duty with no extra pay." Supervisor Bass said 48 other Counties are operating in such a manner and that this makes sense now based on research and considering all options.

A motion was made by Supervisor Fennell seconded by Supervisor Sundberg to direct staff to develop an ordinance regarding this consolidation and if approved, it would be in effect January 30, 2016. Supervisor Fennell called "it a perfect fit."

The Board vote was unanimous.

Four people attend special Board of Supervisors meeting

Not counting media, Supervisors and County staff, only four members of the public are here for the special BOS meeting today. Regular attendee and public enthusiast Kent Sawatzky,
Jaison Chand from City Cab and Jim Pell from Humboldt Taxpayer's League.

Consent calendar passed. No question or informatin on MOU with unions or department head's salaries.

Measure Z is why all members of public said they are here. Two more members walked in now, one of them, Hollie Klingel. She has been very involved in the community and described herselfas a "political activist" and has applied for the Citizen's Advisory Committee. She talked about how important Measure Z is to older folks like her and those most vulnerable, "having dealt a hand in life."

Supervisor Virginia Bass read a letter from Eureka Chief Andrew Mills about mental health assisting police and "not criminalizing the homeless."

Under department reports, Supervisor Ryan Sundberg mentioned meeting with Cannabis Voice, neighborhood watch idea spearheaded by McKinleyville resident Dave Varshock; the group plans to talk to UnderSheriff Billy Honsal about logistics.

Supervisor Virginia Bass mentioned the EPD promotion ceremony as a part of her travel report. She also mentioned the fundraising effort for Fly Humboldt, which she said she does every meeting.

District Attorney Elect Maggie Fleming, Sheriff Mike Downey, Undersheriff Honsal, Captain Ed Wilkinson, Fire Department representatives all here for Measure Z. Mr. Sawatzky mentioned Measure Z funds should and could be used for similar efforts such as McKinleyville Neighborhood Watch. Supervisor Sundberg remarked that the Sheriff's office already does suppor citizen's patrol and so something like this would "be a seamless effort."

Nov 13, 2014

Vatican commission showers for the homeless in St. Peter's Square

These are only two links to several national and international articles.

Measure Z, Consolidation of Coroner's and Sheriff's office, compensation of management to be discussed at special Sups meeting

These are just some of the items to be discussed during the morning session of tomorrow's special meeting of the Board Supervisors.

Should be interesting, depending on public comment and what, if any action is taken regarding Measure Z funds.

Yes, Oak World is going out of business

The sign is correct. The business is family owned and I spoke to Pete Pedro, one of the owners just a few minutes ago. This decision was made just last week, he said. "This has been in the works for a while, the business has been up for sale for the past 8 months."

Last week, they made a decision to go out of business instead.

Nov 12, 2014

"We have taken some hits over the years, some undeserved, some we must own"

We must acknowledge the mistakes of our past and look to our future with optimistic change," said Capt.Watson. "I will hold us accountable," said Capt. Watson. "Like Brian said, we will lead by example."

"We have taken some hits over the years, some undeserved, some we must own," said Capt. Watson. He called the entire department leaders, not just the Chief and captains.

These are just two quotes from excellent speeches by Capt. Stephens and Capt. Watson.

Channel 3 and KAEF had reporters also filming but TV news lends to snippets. LOCO had Andrew Goff who did a brief report. Mark Mckenna took photos but TS only sent a photographer. NCJ had no representation. The police face a lot of scrutiny so to have no coverage of the event by a reporter from TS or NCJ when there was candid and frank talk from both Captains promoted is worth noting.

Hank Sims and Thad Greenson are both oral board members, from the list I gather they interviewed the panelists. Will this affect future coverage?

Two protestors outside Wharfinger?

One woman standing at the back of a room with a small picture pinned on her shirt. Could just be someone who lost a family member and not a protestor. She was talking to Andrew Goff from LOCO.

Ceremony over and Andrew told me she is protesting. I did not talk to either of them. They have chosen to air their grievances on blogs. Did they ever approach the Chief first? This was not the time and place to protest, much less express grief.

Anyone who exploits their grief by egging them on to deal with this via social media is like an ambulance chasing lawyer.

Another woman standing outside with a sign talking to an onlooker, fellow protestor. She is definitely a protestor but they were not disruptive and now the event is over.

Wharfinger packed for EPD ceremony

Sea of blue photo is all EPD personnel here today. City, Sheriff, EPD, APD, families packed the Wharfinger. Virginia Bass, Mike Newman, Mayor Jager, Sheriff Downey among elected. Also present Melinda Ciarabellini and Linda Atkins. Eureka councilmember Marian Brady is out of town at the Leage of Cities Conference. Eureka 5th ward Councilmember elect Natalie Arroyo attended.

Pledge of Allegiance, national anthem. Chief Mills quipped, "Don't you feel like you areat aHSU football game." The crowd laughed.

Mayor Jager sharing "war stories about his law enforcement days." Congratulted Chief Mills on candidates being promoted.

Chief Mills explained process of selection. Twice thanked all attending. Recognized City Councilmember elect Natalie Arroyo by name for attending. Thanked citizens of Eureka for passing Measure Q.

Capt. Stephens and Captain Watson both stressed changes over the years, including in methodology. "We must acknowledge the mistakes of our past and look to our future with optimistic change," said Capt.Watson. "I will hold us accountable," said Capt. Watson. "Like Brian said, we will lead by example."

"We have taken some hits over the years, some undeserved, some we need to own," said Captain Watson.

The sheriff's deputies were handling calls for the hour long ceremony. Chief Mills thanked Sheriff Downey at the ceremony for this so the EPD officers could attend.

Chief Mills added a lot of humor to the award ceremony. When new hires were being recognized, one of them wrote in her bio that she likes to bake. "I have not been the recepient of this," said Chief Mills.

Today's EPD ceremony belongs to heroes, not shadowy cowards who only contribute hate

The Eureka Police Department is holding a promotional ceremony today at 2:30 p.m. The ceremony is to commemorate the promotions of two Captains, two Sergeants, a Communications Supervisor, and a Support Services Manager.  The ceremony is being held at the Wharfinger Building, 1 Marina Way, Eureka.

The invitation was only sent to media as standard procedure but someone leaked the information out to an anonymous blog. There was a call for protestors to show up. Will they?

An agenda item about a claim from Daren Borges family was posted on the same anonymous blog before it was posted to the public or sent out to the media.

This used to happen with another anonymous blog when Larry Glass was in office. When Occupy Eureka was protesting, did someone tip them off regarding police plans?

So who is leaking information they are not supposed to anonymous people with an anti-police and anti city agenda?

Today is not about shadowy attacks by people who do not have the guts to show their faces or sign their names and it is not about those who do not have the courage to fight for the freedom for others, even those who disagree.

This ceremony belongs to the brave men and women being honored today and their families.

Nov 10, 2014

"My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters and members of our armed forces."  

"My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters and members of our armed forces."-- Sidney Sheldon

Tomorrow, there will be many events to honor our veterans. I miss my friend Mark, who we lost unexpectedly last year.

Local attorney and veteran Allan Dollison sent me information on two events you might want to check out. Allan has served our country and is someone I am glad to have had a chance to know better this year.

 Allan will be leading the Mad River Honor Guard at 11:00 at the Humboldt Senior Resource Center (19th and California) and then will be at the Clarke Museum for their event at 1:00.

 To our veterans, there are no words sufficient to convey my gratitude. I salute you and say Thank you.

"Doug was a victim that day...we will be victims the rest of our lives"

This is one of the heart wrenching statements in 5 letters by Douglas-Anderson Jordet's family read by victim witness representative Marybeth Bian. This statement was written by Douglas' 80 year old parents.

The first letter was from Douglas' sister-in-law, Patty. She said "Douglas was the youngest sibling and the only brother" of her husband. "His name and character have been unfairly maligned to defend this vicious act." She wrote about Doug and what he meant to his family and how they have been having a hard time since his death.

She referred to a post on facebook that was written by Nicholas Stoiber and liked by Sophie Rochealeau before "they knew Douglas was dead. She thanked Stoiber for "his truthful statement to the police and taking responsibility early on this investigation. I would like to see Nick and Sophie offered help for chemical dependency." She said she "has forgiven Nick and Sophie."

The second letter was from Douglas's brother-in-law.  The third letter from his parents, who live in Minnesota. ""Doug was a victim that day...we will be victims the rest of our lives," they wrote. "As parents, we never thought we would have to bury our child."

They called their son's tragic passing, " a senseless death at the hand of three Arcata residents."

Douglas' sister also did not hold Stoiber and Rocheleau to the same responsibility and hoped that they would get help. The last letter was from his brother.

Douglas was allegedly stabbed by Juan Ferrer. From testimony given, the co-defendants were less culpable.

Today two co-defendants were sentenced to 3 years summary probation and 50 hours of community service. Some of the family members said they forgive Stoiber and Rocheleau, the two defendants sentenced today and asked the court to get them help.

Juan Ferrer who is charged with stabbing Douglas Anderson Jordet back in court on Dec 17

His attorney, Marek Reavis asked for a disposition/reset hearing in 30 days. Next court date is December 17 at 2 p.m. in Courtroom 4.

Outstanding discovey issues are testing of blood samples on the street, sais Mr. Reavis. DA Paul Gallegos said the family wants to proceed with a jury trial and he wants that scheduled as soon as possible.

Human trafficking case plea offer accepted and Anderson sentenced to 9 years and 4 months

David Anderson accepted this offer when they were already 4 to 5 weeks into jury selection. There were previous offers but Anderson accepted this one because unlike previous offers,  with this offer none of the counts in the negotiated plea are strikes and Anderson does not have to register as a sex offender.

Today in court, he was remanded to the California Department of Corrections. Since it was a negotiated disposition, his attorney Ben McLaughlin only commented about his indigent status to Judge Dale Reinholtsen.

Total sentence is 9 years and 4 months. This is the first case in Humboldt to be charged with human trafficking. Most of the sentence, 8 years is for the human trafficking count.

"As Mr. Anderson's attorney, I am satisfied with the outcome," Mr.McLaughlin told me outside court. "We held the prosecution to the burden of proof required and got a fair and just result."

The case and all three trials were prosecuted by DDA Luke Brownfield.

Previous post today with other links:

Codefendants in Ferrer case get 3 years summary probation and 50 hours of community service

Nicholas Stoiber represented by Jennifer Dixon from the Public Defender;s office and Sophie Rocheleau represented by private attorney Benjamin Okin each plead guilty to PC 242 and were each given the same sentence: three years of summary probation, 50 hours of community service, alcohol and drug assessment and monetary fines and fees.

"I realize that a person died, " said Judge Reinholtsen, after he sentenced Rocheleau and Stoiber who were out of custody and stood by their attorneys. Their loved ones and friends as well as Juan Ferrer's family, who is the one charged with the stabbing that resulted in the death of Douglas Anderson-Jordet and is in custody, silently listened as Judge Reinholtsen pronounced the sentence after hearing from victim witness who read letters from the victim's family and after DA Paul Gallegos and the attorneys made brief statements.

Before he sentenced them, the Judge read the definition and penalties that could be imposed on them and advised them of the rights they were giving up by not going to trial.

California Penal Code 242 PC simple battery is a misdemeanor in California law.
The penalties for California battery in most cases include a fine of up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) and/or up to six (6) months in county jail.
Judge Reinholtsen said he had read the preliminary transcripts, the attorney's written submissions and letters on behalf of Stoiber and Rocheleau and after he heard the victim impact statements, which were read by victim witness, since his family is from out of state.

Judge Reinholtsen said that the pleas and sentence was justified by the evidence presented at the preliminary hearing. Judge Reinholtsen said he did not see any evidence implicating Stoiber or Rocheleau of great bodily injury or being aware that he was dead.

DA Paul Gallegos asked that Mr. Okin's statement on behalf of Rocheleau be sealed because of information it about the victim, which Mr. Gallegos said was Mr. Okin's opinion. That claim was refuted by Mr. Okin because he said the information was from the police report but out of deference to the victim's family, he agreed that it be sealed.

Mr. Gallegos said that the family "understands the disposition", referring to Stoiber's and Rocheleau's pleas, and "they hope the court would impose appropriate probation."

Ms. Dixon did not comment and referred to the preliminary hearing transcript and said that the Judge knew the circumstances of the plea. She also referred to the letters submitted in support of Stoiber.

Mr. Okin said that he had submitted documents "outlining Ms. Rocheleau's role" and asked the sentence be based on what she knew at the time she acted."

"The hard part of this case is every one involved is a good person," said Mr. Okin. He said sometimes that are small events and circumstances that when combined you get a "catastrophic combination and something as tragic as this occurs."

"Of course, Ms. Rocheleau feels bad for Mr. Jordet's family and that Mr. Jordet died.," said Mr. Okin. Again, he asked that the court focus on Rocheleau's actions and what she knew. "I don't agree that alcohol played a role and there is no evidence of drugs."

Previous post with background and other links:

8 counts reduced to unlawful sexual intercourse, false imprisonment and human trafficking in plea offer

After the case being dismissed the first time, mistrial the second time, a plea deal was reached right before the third trial started for David Anderson, a suspect who was originally charged with kidnapping, rape by force, forcible oral copulation of minor victim over age of 14, sexual battery, unlawful sexual intercourse, threats to commit crime resulting in death, false imprisonment and human trafficking.

Anderson has been represented for all three trials by private defense attorney Benjamin McLaughlin, who was appointed by the court as Anderson's attorney. The case was prosecuted each time by DDA Luke Brownfield .

I only had a few minutes to check the court computer today and until a plea is accepted by the Judge and stated in court, it is not final. From what I could see in the few minutes, is what I am sharing about the plea. I did try and reach Mr. McLaughlin.

The plea deal offer, has yet to be accepted by Judge Reinholtsen and sentencing is scheduled for this afternoon. If it is accepted, it looks like it would result in  8 counts being reduced to three counts. This is according to the information on the court computers this morning and Anderson would plead to unlawful sexual intercourse, false imprisonment, and human trafficking. He would not have to register for some of these offenses and they may not count as a strke.

If you read the previous posts and do a search on this blog, you will see there were issues with the first two trials and witnesses.

According to the computer, the maximum sentence would be for 9 years and 4 months. Again, that is the max, there is a range so don't take this as set in stone. I will update with a post regarding the actual plea after the sentencing is final this afternoon.

I am updating this post as of 1:25 because Mr. McLaughlin confirmed that the plea offer as I summarized above is correct.

Previous posts:

Arcata chef stabbing case back in court this afternoon; will it proceed? Will co-defendants cases resolve?

Once again, the Arcata chef stabbing case is scheduled in Courtroom 4. Status of discovery is  one of the issues to be discussed today.

The question of the day is will outgoing District Attorney Paul Gallegos show up for this hearing? The last time we waited almost half an hour, while court staff and the DDA in court tried "to locate Mr. Gallegos."

Juan Ferrer, is represented by Marek Reavis, Nicholas Stoiber is represented by Jennifer Dixon and Sophie Rocheleau is represented by Benjamin Okin. They are all co-defendants in this case.

Please read the previous posts on this blog for background, I have linked only a few to give you an idea of the ongoing saga with this case for the last few months.

I will update this post after the afternoon hearing.

Some of the previous posts on this blog about this case:

Caitlyn LaHaie and Tory Siipola hired by HCSO

Sheriff Downey is pleased to announce the swearing in of two new employees for the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office. The two new employees are; Caitlyn LaHaie, who was hired as a Legal Office Assistance and Tory Siipola, who was hired as a Deputy Sheriff.

Nov 8, 2014

Would Foodini sell in Humboldt?

A machine that prints 3 D food wouldn't sell well in Humboldt or would it? Especially if it printed 3D "special" brownies.

When are they coming up with a 3 D machine that can print "Tea, Earl Grey, hot" ?

Nov 7, 2014

Thanks to Prop 47, Humboldt will be the new location for Walking Dead

Well, the TV series is not coming to town but just today, the Sheriff's department released 7 inmates because of Prop 47.

While I was in Courtroom 4, waiting for a couple of cases to be called, a guy with several cases hit the Prop 47 lottery. He will be back in a month so that his charges can be adjusted because he is affected by Prop 47.

Realignment, now Prop 47, but no additional funds for rehab or mental health.

Thanks to California lawmakers, legislators and all those who voted in favor of Prop 47, more incentive for criminals and no consequences.

Will it be genuinely beneficial for some? Sure. Will it increase crime and will more people be in and out of courts using up public defenders resources and sucking up social services and still not getting help? Definitely.

Human trafficking case sentencing continued until November 10

Today, David Anderson, who pleaded guilty after his case was to be tried for the third time, was to be sentenced by Judge Dale Reinholtsen.

Dressed in orange jumpsuit and in cuffs, now with a full grown beard, Anderson's victims
will have to wait a few more days for closure.

Defense attorney Mr. Ben McLaughlin asked to approach the judge, after that  Mr. McLaughlin said," for reasons stated, we ask sentencing be continued until Monday."

Anderson did not look happy when Mr. McLaughlin spoke with him after speaking to the Judge and prosecutor DDA Luke Brownfield..

"One of the counts he pleaded to initially was incorrect.  We were simply modifying the charging document to accurately reflect the disposition," Mr. McLaughlin told me.

In court, Mr. Brownfield said that the  DA's had to file a document with court before sentencing.

I was the only one to cover this case but for sentencing today, I was glad to see TS' Will Houston in court.

will update with previous links tomorrow...

Don't be alarmed, it is just a drill

Humboldt Bay Fire and Humboldt County Sherriff will be conducting a drill at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility around 0930.

This drill will be similar to the  ones conducted last month. Light smoke may be visible from the upper stories.

Nov 6, 2014

"I think transparency is really critical when you consider how many of our decision we have to make out of the eye of the public,”

The best quote from KIEM's interview with District Attorney-Elect Maggie Fleming:

“I think transparency is really critical when you consider how many of our decision we have to make out of the eye of the public,” Fleming said. “So what I think is important first and foremost, is any plea negotiation, any continuance, it needs to be stated in open court, on the record you know, our reasons for making that choice need to always be open in public. Down the road a little bit I would like to have a website that provides more information on a weekly basis.”

Maggie and I also talked this week about fair access to information for all who cover court cases. Having clear policies and direction from a leader who understands the importance of getting accurate information from the DA's office will be awe
a welcome change.

Will Fr. Eric's murderer go for California's Insanity Defense aka the McNaghten rule?

The following is from the site  The title on the page is "California's Insanity Defense The McNaghten Rule"

The legal defense of insanity in California law means that you cannot be found guilty of a crime if you were legally insane when you committed it.1 Under California's insanity defense, you are considered legally insane if you either

Did not understand the nature of your criminal act, OR
Did not understand that what you were doing was morally wrong.2
This definition of legal insanity is known as the “McNaghten (sometimes spelled M'Naghten or McNaughten) rule.”

You can plead not guilty by reason of insanity at your arraignment hearing. For the insanity defense to work, you will then need to prove that it is more likely than not that you were legally insane when you committed your crime.

If you can convince the jury at your California criminal jury trial that you are not guilty by reason of insanity, then you will be committed to a state mental hospital instead of being sent to prison.

Another link:
There is a gag order on the case. It is my understanding that usually you enter a plea of not guilty due to insanity and the Court appoints a professional to do an evaluation.

This would have to be done  on the record and  in the open and so we will see what happens at the pre-trial conference on December 17.

There is a difference between not guilty by reason of insanity and being incompetent to stand trial. I do not think the insanity defense will fly because Bullock was calculated in his moves before he entered the rectory, he methodically planned the break-in, he fooled the police and after the crime, he tried to burn the rectory, then fled and hid Fr. Eric's car. He escaped and ran from his crime.

Gary Lee Bullock's defense attorney, Kaleb Cockrum may be investigating the possibility by using a different section of the law so  that is all done in a way that reports do not have to be turned over in his effort to provide his client the best defense.

Kaleb is a good and caring attorney and will go to bat for his clients. I have known him for a few years.  This case is not something I am just reporting on though, it is very close to my heart.

A psych evaluation can take months, already this case has faded for most people, other than those of us directly affected by it. And, time is only beneficial for the defense.

Hoopa woman's arrest gives new meaning to hooked on drugs

11-06-2014, at approximately 10:30 a.m. the Humboldt County Drug Task Force served a Humboldt County Superior Court Search Warrant on Alyssa Joanne Hunsucker, 22 years old, from Hoopa. The Drug Task Force Agents, with the assistance of a Humboldt County Deputy Sheriff, conducted a traffic stop on Hunsucker who was driving a Gold Hyundai sedan at Washington Avenue and McKinleyville Avenue, McKinleyville. After Hunsucker was stopped, agents served her with the search warrant. Agents located approximately 17 grams of heroin and 22 oxycodone pills in her bra. Hunsucker was arrested for driving without a valid driver’s license, possession of a controlled substance and possession for sale of a controlled substance. She was transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where she booked. Her bail was set at $50,000.

Christopher Littlejohn arrested again for drugs, shocking!

On 11-05-2014, at approximately 10:45 p.m. a Humboldt County Sheriff’s Deputy spoke with the driver of a purple colored SUV parked in a gravel turnout near the intersection of V Street and Pacheco Road, Arcata. The driver was contacted because the SUV was parked in front of a, “No Parking” sign. When the deputy spoke with the two occupants, an adult male and female, he could smell the strong odor of burning marijuana coming from inside the vehicle.  The deputy asked the male occupant his name and he identified himself as Christopher Paul Littlejohn, 30 years old, from McKinleyville.  A warrant check of Littlejohn revealed he had three felony and two misdemeanor warrants for his arrest. All the warrants were issued by Humboldt County Superior Court and were for drug related crimes. The deputy arrested Littlejohn on the arrest warrants. The deputy searched a backpack that Littlejohn had in his possession. Inside the backpack the deputy located 1.4 grams of suspected methamphetamine, three grams of hash, approximately 6o grams of dried marijuana and a wooden club ( Billy).

Littlejohn was arrested for possession of illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, possession of over one ounce of marijuana and possession of an illegal weapon. He was transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where he was booked on the charges. His bail was set at $135,000.00.

The female was interviewed and released at the scene.

Man with golliwog hairdo busted for drugs

11-05-2014, at approximately 11:15 p.m. a Humboldt County Sheriff’s Deputy spoke with two occupants of a white Ford sedan parked at the end of Sandy Prairie Road, Fortuna. When the deputy spoke with the driver, he identified himself as Cory Orsenico, 25 years old, from Loleta. A warrant check revealed Orsenico was wanted out of Del Norte County on a felony arrest warrant for possession of illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia. Orsenico was arrested on the warrant. The deputy spoke with the female occupant of the vehicle who told the deputy there was marijuana in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle revealed there was approximately 94 grams of marijuana, 82 grams of Hash Oil and Hydrocodone. Orsencio told the deputy the drugs belonged to him. The adult female was interviewed and released at the scene. Orsenico was also arrested for possession of concentrated cannabis, possession of a controlled substance and possession of over an ounce of marijuana. He was transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where he was booked. His bail was set at $60,000.00.

Expert visited Arcata stabbing suspect Ferrer in jail

While the brouhaha of will Paul, won't Paul be in court and discovery issues was being debated, a "expert" visited Juan Ferrer in jail. File iswith the Judge.

Next court date is November 10 in Courtroom 4.

Pyschologist appointed for Bullock and expert visits Bullock in jail

On 10-23-2014, a psychologist was appointed for Bullock and an expert visited him in jail the same day. This according to the information listed in the court computers.

Since there is a gag order, I tried to get the file. I was told by court staff that it was a funding order and it is sealed and confidential.  Next court date is a pre-trial conference at 2 p.m. on December 17 in Courtroom 1.

So two continuances for investigation and now a psychologist?

Frequent DA informant and Bodhi Tree witness charged with failure to register as a sex offender and back in custody

Quentin Williams, who is often a DA informant, and most recently was a witness in the Bodhi Tree case and Eddie Lee cases, both murder cases, is back in custody.

On September 12, the DA's office charged him with a felony; failure to register as a sex offender. The case is being prosecuted by ADA Kelly Neel and until November 5, the alternate counsel's office was representing Williams.

In Courtroom 4 yesterday, Judge Dale Reinholtsen appointed private attorney and former DA candidate Allan Dollison as William's defense attorney. Tomorrow there is a hearing for trial dates to be set. Mr. Dollison said that after he meets with Williams, he will be in a better position to state how the defense intends to proceed.

Related posts on Quentin Williams:

Nov 5, 2014

"I plan to take some time off this afternoon, relax and take a ride on my Harley"

In politics, we have situational friends and those who are true blue. Mike Newman is a true friend. Since I have known Mike, he is always been accessible, caring and he has been personally very supportive of me. He is someone who contributes to this community, whether it is at his job or as a City Council member in many ways that is not always known to people.

The final results for the Ward 3 are not in but I called Mike this morning to thank him for his friendship and his agreeing to run for another term. When the final numbers come in, I hope to congratulate Mike, again.

"I would like to thank my supporters and the citizens of Eureka for tentatively voting me in for another term," said Mike. "Until the final numbers come in, I will continue to be a bridge builder in my role as a Eureka City Council member to bring economic prosperity to Eureka and our region".

This afternoon, "I plan to take some time  this afternoon, relax and take a ride on my Harley which I haven't done in three months".

Congratulations to Natalie for a commanding win

I spoke with Natalie yesterday morning in front of the Courthouse and wished her best of luck. When she was running, she was very gracious and always said hello at Arts Alive, even though she knew that I supported Chet.

She had a commanding win. Congratulations Natalie and all the best in your new position.

Do you agree with Site Selection magazine and Go-Biz that Governor Jerry Brown is good for business in California?

So what do you think?

This is not my opinion or endorsement. This is a promotion from Go-Biz.

Site Selection magazine today released the 2014 California Investment Guide presented by GO-Biz, CalED and Team California. It features an exclusive Q&A with GO-Biz Director Kish Rajan, a profile on Governor Brown's efforts to bolster the state's economy, interviews with California mayors and lots of useful information about California's thriving economy. Please share with your networks and post on social media.

From the California Investment Guide:

A Place Transformed
How Gov. Jerry Brown cultivated a complete turnaround of the California business climate

Corporate executives who haven't considered investing in California for a long time suddenly have new reasons to do so.

Fresh off four years of painstakingly adjusting public policy to make California more business-friendly, Gov. Jerry Brown is now rolling out the welcome mat to expanding companies with a new set of tools in his recruitment arsenal.

Armed with new tax credits, more funding for economic development, balanced budgets and improved credit ratings, California now competes for jobs and industry without the burden of financial shackles - and the results speak for themselves:

After years of stagnation, the California economy is growing faster than the national average. The state's economy grew by 2 percent in 2013, better than the US average of 1.8 percent. And after a slow start to 2014, the state's economy grew by 4 percent in the second quarter of the year.
California accounted for 14.2 percent of the country's net employment gain in the second quarter of 2014, as state businesses added 109,800 new jobs.

Nearly 700 California companies made the annual Inc. Magazine ranking of the 5,000 fastest-growing firms in the country - by far the most of any state. California boasts the No. 1 company on the list - Fuhu, the El Segundo firm that makes large tablet computers for kids - and four of the top 10.

California boasts the two highest ranking US metro areas in per-capita GDP: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara ($100,115) and San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward ($78,844).

California added 35,600 construction jobs from Aug. 2013 to Aug. 2014 - the second highest amount in the country. The jump increased construction employment in the state by 5.6 percent.
Existing home sales in California rose by 6.9 percent during the second quarter of 2014.

These performance benchmarks have been set even as Brown, the one-time mayor of Oakland and now three-term governor, continues to remake the California business climate. The capstone of this makeover is the governor's $750-million annual plan to attract and retain business.

After years of experimenting without much success with community development programs, California scrapped them and replaced them with new business tax incentives. The new programs include a tax exemption for R&D in manufacturing and biotech; a job tax credit for increasing the number of full-time workers; and a California Competes tax credit given to companies that relocate or expand in the state.

But that's not all Brown is doing. In a very busy September, he signed legislation increasing the state's Film and Television Tax Credit Program to $330 million a year for five years; signed electric vehicle legislation to encourage the growth of electric cars and trucks on California roads and highways.

Following eight years of relative inactivity on the economic development front, Gov. Brown's term since 2010 stands out as one of the most activist in the country. As a result, companies are voting with their pocketbooks.

Leading the way is China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd., which is investing $1.5 billion to build a new plant for aluminum extruded products in Barstow. Trinchero Family Estates is spending $300 million to expand its wine-making operation in Lodi; CaliCheese is investing $250 million to build a new cheese plant in Tulare.

Projects like these helped California achieve yet another milestone. By July 2014, California had overtaken Russia and Italy to become the eighth-largest economy in the world, at just over $2.2 trillion in GDP.

And Stephen Levy, director of the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy in Palo Alto, says the state could gain on No. 6 United Kingdom and No. 5 France in the next ranking.

The bottom line, say state officials, is that all this economic growth means more jobs for Californians.

Nov 4, 2014

LOCO first on election party scene coverage

Polls are closed. I am at Mike and Chet's election party. I intend to relaxand enjoy the evening and let the rest of the media do reporting on the results. Hank Sims is at the Sea Grill where Mike and Chet are with supporters. He arrived before TS and other media.

Packed chambers to honor Lt. Steve Knight at today's BOS meeting

Sheriff Mike Downey, Undersheriff Billy Honsal, Lt. Wayne Hanson, District Attorny-elect Maggie Fleming, Eureka Police Chief Andy Mills, Betty Chinn, Reverend Dan Price and several co-workers and community members showed up at BOS chambers to honor Lt. Steve Knight who is retiring this week.

Like many others, I made time to be here. Steve Knight is an asset to our community and like others who know him, I hope he continues to be active and we see him around.

He got two standing ovations, even from audience members who were attending the meeting for other reasons.

Steve said he could not put 30 years in 3 minutes, Rex quipped, "I will give you six." Said he could not turn and face his friends and co-workers because "he'd lose it." He thanked God

Two other recent posts on this blog with quotes and background. Supervisor Virginia Bass read the resolution. Watch him being honored on Access Humboldt. It is only fair you see and hear the tribute he received.

Except for Access Humboldt, who films every meeting, no other reporter was there during the BOS morning session unless they plan to be there later today.

It is election day but special presentations, especially honoring community members and those like Steve, who have dedicated their lives to the community, are important.

We read enough about crime and polarization every day.

Nov 1, 2014

My information on Z and Q are information for public is not spun to favor who I support; so just who is misleading voters in this election?

I enjoy Tom's blog but in his latest post, it seems he has joined the bandwagon of the left leaning blogs putting out misinformation on R.

Tom Sebourn's latest blog post says that No on R is misleading the voters. The following is from his blog post.

No On Measure R People Misleading Eureka Voters

The folks over at Measure R Vote NO facebook page seem to be intentionally misleading the public about what and how the measure will affect the workers of Eureka if it passes.

Measure R is an attempt to raise the minimum wage in Eureka to 12 dollars an hour. The measure would not affect every business. Only businesses with more than 15 employees within the  city limits would required to pay the $12.00 minimum wage if it passes.

Is it is a factual error when he claims that businesses with 15 or more employers are affected or a convenient spin?

This is from the ordinance:

Measure R affects "123. 04 MINIMUM WAGE.

A. Employers for which twenty-five (25) or more Employees perform work for compensation during any particular calendar week shall pay Employees no less than the Minimum Wage set forth in this Chapter for each hour worked within the geographic boundaries of the City during that week."

Employee is also defined as : "B. “Employee” shall mean any person who:
1. during a particular calendar week performs at least two (2) hours of work for an Employer as defined below; "

Read the actual ordinance for yourself,_Full_Text_of_Ordinance

The only one misleading the voters are liberally leaning blogs, big on spin, short of facts. Why has the media not done any coverage on all Measures? Only TS did articles on Measure Z and Measure R; others mostly on P and Q, with a spin to liberal voters.

Where is the investigative and objecting reporting from your local media who have full-time jobs and a responsibility to inform the public? I write a blog and I put in my own time on what I post.

I have put posts on Measure Z and Q that provide information to the public that I sought out; it is not spun favorably towards the people who I support; it's facts. Like others, I do express my opinion and when I do, I state that.

Don't be swept up by hype. Check your facts before you vote.

Humboldt Taxpayer's League tells off the County Board of Supervisors

This is the text of a paid political advertisement against Measure Z paid for by Humboldt Taxpayers League which willappear in the Times-Standard tomorrow:

Measure Z is an unfair tax that Humboldt County just can't afford
Fixed income Seniors can’t afford additional taxes.

Working families need to be able to feed their children first.

Don’t let the County put another hand into your pocket by
adding to existing state and city sales taxes.

The Cities of Eureka, Arcata, Fortuna, Rio Dell, Ferndale and
Blue Lake could be taxed an additional 12 million dollars
each year.

We don’t need another reason to send our business purchases to
Crescent City, Ukiah or Oregon.

Will Measure Z funds even be used for public safety? Our supervisors
have already made a “special” deal to give most of our county employees
a $700 bonus. That is over a 1 million dollar bonus on the
backs of tax payers that won't provide any additional services at all.

These are funds that could have gone to public safety.

Voting “No on Z” tells county government
live within its means, as we all do.

If you don't think you can afford more taxes for
the same services,

Speak Up!?
Vote No on Z

Do you agree with the Taxpayer's League? The same arguments can be used against Measure Q. So you cannot be against 1 and then for the other.