Mar 27, 2025

Retired Del Norte Judge admonished for serious misconduct towards a domestic violence victim, CJP 1, JCC and Governor's office 0


(Linkedin profile, I cropped the photo because the original had his grandkids)

Retired Del Norte Superior Court Judge Robert Cochran was publicly admonished by the California Commission on Judicial Performance last month for serious misconduct towards a domestic violence victim.

Judge Cochran waived his right to formal proceedings under rule 118 and to review by the Supreme Court.  

Maybe if the California Governor's Judicial Appointments staff did their job and the California Judicial Council actually paid attention to local courts; people would not suffer abuse of power and have their lives ruined. 

In 2021, I did a post. This is just the first paragraph of that post. "California named worst "Judicial Hellhole".  The state has been in in the top 3 for the dishonor for a decade and was named "Everlasting Judicial Hellhole" this summer. This was by the the American Tort Reform Association." 

Kelly Walsh filed a notice of limited scope representation in the Gregory Kreis and Brenda Elvine family law case 11 days before trial setting regarding spousal support


The last post I did on Gregory Kreis and Brenda Elvine's family law case was on January 27,2025.

For new readers, the case has been "reciprocally assigned" to Sonoma Superior Court. In that post, I reported that trial setting regarding spousal support was continued to 4/4/25 because local family law attorney Mr. Kelly Walsh who endorsed Kreis in the last election "substituted in." On March 25, 2025, Mr. Walsh filed a notice of limited scope representation.

Two year homicide case delayed because PD declares last minute conflict, Destinee Rhamy will now get a third attorney at taxpayers expense and most likely a private one


Homicide suspect Destinee Rhamy is out of custody. She is charged with the murder of her roomate Holland Elbik. She is out of custody. The jury trial for this 2023 case was finally scheduled two years later.

Fortuna's interim police chief is local, has 28 years of public safety and is a U.S. Army veteran

I asked Fortuna Interim Chief of Police Matt  Eberhardt a follow up question. He responded," I did a onetime contract with the city until October 3rd of 2026 (little over 18 months), when I plan on retiring."

John McGhan of Eureka identified as owner of parcel on Freshwater Road and was arrested for illegal cultivation of cannabis and maintaining a drug house


The HCSO press release lists three charges for John McGhan. The jail log lists two more charges probation violation and violation of a court order. McGhan posted bond.

Mar 26, 2025

Instead of the lawsuit being dismissed, now Fortuna Elementary is working on possible resolution with former employee


This is why I follow up to make sure the dismissal hearing is final. In April 2023, I reported on a lawsuit filed by Vickie Victorine lawsuit against Fortuna Elementary District. The case settled in October 2024 but the settlemental was conditional. A dismissal hearing was continued twice and rescheduled for the third time on 3/24/25.

Fortuna Elementary attorney, Mr Nicholas Kloeppel told Judge Timothy Canning the parties were working towards a possible resolution.

Victorine and her attorney, Mr. Dwight Cooper were not present.

EPD investigating assault on local older attorney that occurred in office parking lot

Eureka Police Department is investigating an assault on a prominent, local family law attorney and I was told by sources there is a suspect. Older male, fit and a former marine. He was hit at in the back of the head in the parking lot of his office and has broken ribs.

EPD is investigating and each case is different and what can be released so don't ask me his name yet. People in the legal community know. 

Commissioner Sarah Kaber, Humboldt County Deputy District Attorney Jessica Watson and a female Humboldt County Deputy Counsel being considered as replacements for Retired Judge Joyce Hinrichs' seat

I have written previously about potential replacements for Humboldt Superior Court Retired Judge Joyce Hinrich's seat. In my December 2024, I  reminded people that former Judge Hinrichs told people in the legal community that in exchange for retiring early, she wanted a say in who would get her seat on the bench. Commissioner Sarah Kaber and Ms. Jennifer Dixon were names mentioned to me months ago.

The latest update is that surveys are being done to get input about three women. Commissioner Sarah Kaber, Humboldt County Deputy District Attorney Jessica Watson and a female Humboldt County Deputy Counsel.

Governor Gavin Newsom's office of Judicial Appointments is not going to comment while this is going on; I have contacted them before. 

I have often said and recently to several people at the Courthouse that instead of wasting money on Visiting and Retired Judges who rotate in Courtroom 2; they should just appoint Commissioner Kaber. And then find someone to replace her vacant position. They did that with former Commissioner and now Judge Timothy Canning.

I have no input but my choice from those three options would be Commissioner Kaber. Based on her rulings, her demeanor in court and the positive feedback from court staff and bailiffs; she is the obvious choice. There are many in the legal community who agree with me. These are the people who would appear in front of the next Humboldt Superior Court judge and for once, I hope the California Judicial Council listens to input. The JCC for once, could do something that would benefit Humboldt Superior Court.

One block away from EPD station, 911 not working, assault on me prevented thanks to IHOP manager


(I was on this block close to where the car was parked)

It takes seconds for someone to assault you. There are some known criminals, potential criminals and others who lurk mainly on 5th street from the bus stop near Eureka City Hall to 5th and Broadway.

I am not the only one in danger. I have written about some encounters before but this time there was no place to take shelter and this was in in the middle of the day around lunchtime. Others will relate to the post because if you work or live downtown; this is a daily occurence. I don't think these two different people who I encountered at different times today know me. I just happen to be the target available at that time for the misdirected hate of two people who cannot be bothered to change their situation. It was the afternoon encounter where I narrowly escaped getting assaulted.

Frank Alves held to answer to forcible rape, lewd act by a caretaker on a dependent adult and forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object


On March 8, I reported that 61 year old Frank Emanuel Alves was arrested yesterday by HCSO  on a Ramey warrant and booked for PC 289(b) forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object, PC 288(b)(2) lewd act by a caretaker on a dependent adult, PC 209(b)(1) kidnapping and PC 261(a)(2) rape by force or fear. 

I added the three felony charges that the DA filed as well as the Ramey warrant to that post. Charges in the complaint by the DA are sometimes are different than what the suspect is arrested for after the DA reviews the report and this type of case, the CAST interview. The DA charged Alves with PC 261 (a) (2), PC 288(b)(2) and PC 289 (b).

Alves was the landlord caregiver for this dependent adult who is the alleged victim.

Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer is the prosecutor for this case. Alves' has retained Mr. Ken Bareilles.  

PG & E plans to award $43 million for nine new microgrids in Humboldt, Lake and Marin

(Image from PG & E website)

PG &E plans to award $43 million for nine new microgrids in Humboldt, Lake and Marin Counties.  Applications for a second round of funding will start April 3. 

Press release issued today has more details.

"Lawyers are not spectators to the Constitution; we are its agents…Law firms must refuse to bow to illegal and unconstitutional threats of retribution for having the temerity to represent clients and cases opposing the administration.”


California Attorney General Rob Bonta today, along with 20 other state attorneys general, issued an open letter urging the legal community to stand together in defense of the rule of law in response to President Trump’s recent attacks, including calling for the impeachment of federal judges and threatening retribution against law firms and attorneys who take or have taken positions in opposition to him or his Administration. 

Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone is one of several speakers at the second annual Cannabis and Environmental Stewardship Symposium presented by Cal Poly Humboldt


Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone is one of several speakers at the second annual  Cannabis and Environmental Stewardship Symposium presented by Cal Poly Humboldt.

Mar 25, 2025

15 insurance companies get letter from CA AG reminding them of their obligations under AB 571

California Attorney General Rob Bonta sent letters to 15 insurance companies to remind them of their obligations under Assembly Bill 571.