The quote above has been misattributed to Mark Twain.
On June 7, 2022 when you fill your ballot, don't be predictable. Don't let party, someone else's opinion or the same Humboldt dirty tactics dictate how you feel or who you vote for. Look over each candidate carefully and you have the option of a write in.
Either you like the stench in Humboldt and are a part of it or it is time to change the diaper. The stink and attacks come from those who are afraid, from those who never take responsibility and from those who count on apathy so they will never be held accountable for the destruction they cause and how they treat you. The inner circle is very limited; if the PG & E blackouts, COVID impacts have not shown you that; what will?
Simone describing the Humboldt Connected and their sycophants to the T. I laugh at the fools who got sold out in the last election still going up to those that threw them under the bus, "please Humboldt overlords, I want some more. "