Sep 26, 2024

Measure F has dominated the news cycle lately, Gavin called out by CALMatters, how many of you really care about housing besides perfunctory words will be tested by this one post


California's housing crisis is not news. This week in covering that issue, there are individuals personally affected who brought this issue to the forefront again sharing their own personal struggles. Nichole Norris who has written about her journey on Redheaded Blackbelt. 

How many of the self absorbed who spew their bile anonymously on Lost Coast Outpost, RHBB and other online forums about the environment or property rights are landlords with dilapidated, out of code, overgrown bushes and trees protuding sidewalk living the life and supporting their leech progeny on government funds for housing?

Gavin Newsom's office declined an interview with Alexei Koseff from CalMatters who called out Gavin on his failure to fix the homeless problem in California. The points made are the same I and many others have made for years. What makes this noteworthy is that CalMatters did this before a crucial election in a state controlled by Democrats. That is how all reporting should be and all the time. Non partisan and holding those in power accountable. Gavin also ignored former talk show host James Corden in a live interview about questions that were invonvenient. 

For years I have made points about what needs to change to house people on this blog. Glad CalMatters finally woke up to publish what several of us already know are some of the issues in California.

On September 12, I sent a letter to Rob Bonta, Mike McGuire, Jared Huffman, City of Eureka and others in California. None of these elected Democrat officials responded.

I will include a few excerpts from that letter below. It is raw. It was not written to be shared on the blog. I have readers and others who support me who have been patient and understanding as I try and catch up with an ever increasing workload. Some who know  what I have been through. Others don't.

I have not included certain parts in the excerpts below because even though I have been open and personal about my life and struggles on this blog, this letter was not written for a future news post. I am entitled to some privacy and it was written as a citizen of this country and resident of this state to my elected officials. I knew none of them would respond. 

I know who my friends are in Humboldt. I know which acquaintances and readers actually care and unfortunately, even after this post, I know the same people who have consistently been there for me for the past 20 years and who reach out without being asked will be the only ones to do so and the only ones to support and do it without wanting anything in return. 

My main reason for doing this post is that I started out as a journalist in 1988, wrote in the mainstream format for publications all over this country, took a break for a long time until I started this blog which is a new and future format for today's society. I saw what is accepted today as new and evolving media years ago. Mainstream media has always been controlled but now it is bought, owned and soulless. Not once have the paid tools who own and work for the preferred media by the useless fools in power and with money and bitter decade old insiders stood up for others in the press. They didn't for Rio Dell Times and they never have for me. 

I have never faced the financial and personal retaliation for doing my job or been used and betrayed as I have in Humboldt. It isn't just me. The nastiness and expectations some of you in Humboldt have towards people who bring you news is inexcusable. The expectations you have of people who bring you information while not giving a damn about what they go through and draining us is inexcusable. You forget we are human beings.Some of us report and live under circumstances which most of you could not handle for a day; let alone years. 

That is because you are miserable, unhappy, frustrated and instead of doing something about it, you drag down others who remain positive and strong despite adversity.  Fortunately  there are also decent people in Humboldt. 

What was this "hush hush invite only" event yesterday at Old Growth Cellars?

I was told that there was an event yesterday at Old Growth Cellars, "very hush hush and invite only with attendees including members from the business community. There were games, Impact Humboldt was mentioned and Redwood Capital Bank. I cannot find any listing for this obviously private event.

Sort of related to this "tip" was concerns among the more moderate to conservative members of the business community including those who frequent the Ingomar Club that Measure F will not pass because of the way the campaign is being handled. And doom and gloom about the two conservative Ward 2 and Ward 4 City of Eureka candidates I mentioned in today's 460 filings post.

These are not my definite opinions about Measure F or the City Council candidates because I have been busy with other more pressing issues in Humboldt and until November election results are in we will not know who and how many people voted. I feel that so far based on what I have seen and heard and not from the minority that takes over online but from talking to people while out and about; this doom and gloom and concerns amomg certain conservatives are valid.  If I did not cover news or if I was someone who didn't read media or pay attention to what was happening;  I wouldn't know there were elections for City of Eureka Ward 2 and 4. 

People are too busy and the perception that they are looking at Facebook or finding Facebook pages not easily accessible on search or reading interviews has never worked in any local election. People are busy dealing with the day to day stresses and struggles of living in Humboldt and California. Businesses are concerned about the November election and what it means for their future. People talk to others they trust and are informed. That includes local media source readers know has their best interests. Results  matter. Information that helped elect the current DA and two new Humboldt judges was consistently covered by only one source.

Moulton and Bauer have their 460s filed, did Kenny and Lucky not raise any money?

(from Moulton campaign website)

(from Bauer campaign website)

All these forms are available on the City of Eureka website so I am not posting them here. This is based on what was uploaded as of 1:30 p.m. No 460s for Kenny Carswell and "Lucky" Thavisak Syphanthong. At least Kenny had the sense to hire someone other than John Fullerton who filed the 410 for Syphanthong.

Ward 2 incumbent Eureka Councilmember Kati Moulton donors include former Humboldt County Supervisor Mark Lovelace and former Eureka City Councilmember and current Fourth District Supervisor Mark Lovelace and other individuals.

Ward 4 incumbent Scott Bauer also got a donation from Supervisor Arroyo and 5 other individuals.

I did a post on 9/23 post on financials and upcoming elections which will impact the City of Eureka. where is the money for the two conservative candidates? Am I to believe Kenny and Lucky did not raise any?

Someone well involved on the business community just asked me is anyone campaigning? Where are the signs? Where are the candidates.?

This person is conservative and I said, based on past campaigns, maybe Kenny and Lucky are piggy backing on Yes on Measure F.  When I volunteered in the past, before this blog, I know how certain candidates do their door to door campaigning and distributing flyers from the conservative side.

Ring video on Neighbors and a post claiming modified No on F sign stolen


At 1:14 a reader sent me the following message. 

Ring video here: Just saw this on Neighbors:

I don't know when the original message was posted on Neighbors.

I watched the link and I do see someone taking a sign but the sign itself isn't very clear. Looked like a Yes on F sign.

On a hunch, I checked Humboldt Reddit.

I agree with DDHoward, MadronePhotography should make a report with EPD. I am curious what EPD will say but I am not wasting EPD's time unless a police report is filed.
I checked to see if Yes on F has any comment on their Facebook page. 

Since this random person just showed up and took the sign and there is no additional information from Madrone Photography other than two online posts and from someone I cannot contact, let's see what else emerges on social media.

Today is opening day for the drive thru Starbucks between 4th and 5th, the other location on Broadway when it opens will have seating


The 5th street Starbucks is one of coffee shops I support because of local employees I have known for years and after 20 years, it is still one of the places with positive memories and interactions.

The Broadway location is the one by Wingstop.  I just found out something that the 5th street employees may not know or are not allowed to speak about because I asked and that is the 5th and E location in Eureka will be closing.

Sep 25, 2024

Another Humboldt Deputy County Counsel handling CWS cases leaves the office within 3 months

In a July 29 post, I mentioned Humboldt Deputy County Counsel Vince Uberti who handled CWS cases was leaving.

Now another Deputy County Counsel also assigned to CWS cases is leaving making Humboldt County Counsel another department that is short staffed. 

Is health care or work environment the only reason these attorneys are leaving or like me, did they leave a County job like I did years ago at CWS because I could no longer stomach working for an organization that is supposed to protect children and saw what the reality is behind the scenes.

I am sure the case Kent mentioned yesterday at the BOS meeting is something I have been known about since 2020 and the investigation is ongoing

 9/26: update: A friend of the reader mentioned below went to the courthouse as I suggested to get this public document and checked out what case Kent referred to and while it is not the case I am currently investigating, I think my reader's comments sum it up well.

"Good afternoon John. Mike went to the courthouse and got Kent's documents and he was not speaking about my case. Just wanted to let you know. The saddest part of that reality is that there are other cases similar to mine, leaving me to wonder how we can plumb the depths of Humboldt's depravity, from the top down. So disheartening and disgusting that there are more kids subject to these "authorities" as their innocence is stolen, with no hope for justice. Take care."

(message cropped to protect identity of the children, the father sent me this message)

(this is one of the most recent messages I received from the father)

Yesterday, Kent Sawatzky brought up CWS and an alleged cover up at the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting. No local media covered it. It was mentioned on Reddit, I did a post on that thread.

Even before I listened to Kent's remarks, I wrote this in yesterday's post. "There are many horrific stories about abuse in the courts, in family law cases, in what gets addressed and what does not. It takes time to gather evidence, to get attention, to be careful that the children's identities are protected. I have been working with one reader for years and a state investigator is involved. Telling the Humboldt Board of Supervisors will do squat."

I didn't have time to listen to Kent's remarks until this morning. The video is up now and Kent is the first speaker under public comment. 

After hearing his remarks, I am sure this case is the one I was first contacted about in 2020. The investigation is going. One needs solid evidence before reporting or going public with allegations. 

I have repeatedly explained to the person making these allegations what needs to be done and now that either he or someone connected to him went to Kent Sawatzky, they can deal with the consequences. 

To the father, you made a mistake or your friend made a mistake by getting Kent involved and this only confirms my years of suspicion and red flags and why I repeatedly told you for the children's sake to be patient and allow me to investigate this properly and the challenges I face constantly in this county and explaining to you that this had to be handled very carefully given for the children's sake. I was waiting for the state investigation to be completed. 

I put my name, my life, my finances at risk; not the people contacting me. I need solid evidence. 

(This is a message from March 2024)

Part of that email exchange is me asking about documents from Humboldt County. 

The online attorney had the same concerns I have. The father names the parties online on this thread. I have that documented. For the children's sake, I will not post that but the father should have thought of protecting his young children.

I do know who the two parties are, I know who the alleged perpretrator is, I know the family members of the perpetrator which include a current law enforcement officer and while I will follow up on this as I have been doing for years, I am not Kent's puppet nor will I be manipulated by anyone.

I am also covering another lawsuit involving the father of these children and another unrelated local party.

At 12:33 today, I heard from the father.

"John, I don’t know who Kent is. I haven’t reached out to anyone else! I have no idea who Kent is or how he knows about my case! I assure you that I have kept my word!"

He also told me, "Also, that chat that is online, I had no idea that it would have been posted publicly. If I knew they were going to post it online, I would not have said everything I did. The same reason I have not posted things publicly but only asked people to look into it. I believe I paid for that advice as well. That was a few years ago. That is highly unfortunate. "

At 12:38, I responded, "Thank you for this, I would suggest for your children's sake that you look into who leaked this to Kent. I have not given up looking into this but as you and my readers know well, lately there have been many additional challenges."

*for clarification, Drake Goodale is no longer with EPD but works for HCSO. His attitude towards me, like many in Humboldt, depends on what is beneficial for him now or their own issues. Unlike Drake, I still respect his wife and other family members who are genuine. Drake is not a confidential source. He chose to tell this person and gave them my contact inforamation without contacting or notifying me.  The person said that Drake told them they could trust me to do an independent investigation and that I would not walk away from covering a legit news story regardless of who was involved. Kent Sawatzky chose to make this public at a BOS meeting with complete disregard for anyone else, especially the children, so direct your annoyance & issues to the local BOS frequent flier who may have botched an ongoing investigation due to his ego and need to own the Sups**

Anon Redditors and even people who use their names risk nothing, do nothing. Humboldt has failed to keep the players involved in ruining Humboldt lives in check. And Humboldt, with the exception of a few people, is all talk but does not fund or support independent journalism or individuals doing consistent reporting. The failure to protect children, women, victims is on every single one of you. 

Sep 24, 2024

Reader suggests I sell merch saying "John Chiv is the Fourth Estate Cornerstone of county government."


"Thanks for your excellent publication. Do you sell any merchandise?

How about a T-shirt with the words:

"John Chiv is the Fourth Estate Cornerstone of  county government."

This was included in the email sent to CalMatters and others above.

Before this email today, this was included in an email from the same person sent September 22.

Emails from this account had been going to spam. Usually political content and I do not recall a note to me or a reference to my blog or coverage. The last two ones were addressed to me with my name with some specifics so I emailed the person back. I have cropped out any identifying information and have included relevant parts of the email sent to me protecting the person's identity and why they contacted me.

Bid for two communication facilities is the existing one at the Courthouse and the second one is the Humboldt Fairgrounds


The information listed below is from the Humboldt County website posted about an hour ago. It is about two lease opportunities for communication facilities. One is at the Humboldt County Courthouse and the other is the Humboldt County Fairgrounds. There was no link to the RFQ on the page this is listed.

Some Humboldt Redditors need to use google before they post, especially about Kent Sawatzky


Humboldt Redditors is a mix of insiders, people who no longer live in Humboldt but frequent many Humboldt online comment sections, some are educated and informed people and many who need to use google and read more than one or two local media sources before posting.  That last task would cut down on 90% of the questions.

Agreeable Radish falls into the category of using google and expanding list of local media Humboldt Redditors should read.

InsertRadname here is either an insider or informed local. Kent Sawatzky claims a lot, never has evidence that any legit reporter can use to back claims, makes a big to do about what he has read somewhere and what has been reported months ago and expects reporters to waste time hunting down evidence on his unfounded allegations. He also has an agenda which many in Humboldt do except they don't waste public comment time at every meeting and talk for the entire 3 minutes every single time at the podium. Radish, search Kent on my blog and google him. 

Radish has still have not answered Insert's question. The post is clickbait. How do we know Radish is not connected to Kent or is his latest minion to post on Reddit as a way to get some coverage. Or is someone trying to push their preferred local media source to get some views. That is the problem with anons. I am certainly not dropping everything to chase down some vague tip posted online by an anon about Kent's claims on a busy news day. Radish, since you did not mention what the allegations are from today's meeting, maybe google if it has already been covered.

When Radish finally answered what Kent's comment was, not only have issues, concerns and lawsuits regarding CWS been covered on this blog but CWS has been covered at least once by other local media. 

Proving all my points before about many Humboldt Redditors. With the exception of a few threads; that forum like many others in Humboldt is not about "community" but just another cliquey online social group that is more like an AOL chatroom full of people who repeat old news or waste time.

As for Arcata stewpid, the cowardly insider gutless troll , after decades of the same false lame accusation, get a life and a new line. Another gutless Humboldt loser spewing hate and lies behind a screen. Reddit another useless anon online site  linked on Patrick Cleary's trash site. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out your identity. Humboldt is full of anonymous, weak pathetic weasels who hide behind a screen. 

There are many horrific stories about abuse in the courts, in family law cases, in what gets addressed and what does not. It takes time to gather evidence, to get attention, to be careful that the children's identities are protected. I have been working with one reader for years and a state investigator is involved. Telling the Humboldt Board of Supervisors will do squat.

Kent talks a lot and has done nothing. He was going to "save" former auditor Karen Paz Dominguez, he threatened to file a lawsuit against the County.

He was going to take down Gregory Kreis and told me that Kreis was hanging out with the good ole boys. Kent as usual did nothing. And Kent said this about Kreis after I had been covering Kreis for years and wrote about Kreis' good ole boy endorsements which anyone could anyone could view on the campaign website.

People with money to waste like Cleary and Kent  have done nothing about the corruption and entrenched systems in Humboldt. A lot of anons throw out stuff online which involves zero risk and cannot be substantiated. You have most of the local media owned by people who hob nob with the people they should hold accountable.

I and others have known Kent for years and what I say about him is based on personal experience. If Kent truly wants to help this community or is concerned about children, he needs to put the money he has to good use and donate to several local and independent media who don't have corporate funders or special interests supporting them. Kent needs to support local, independent media that exposes the courts, the County and has been speaking up for the most vulnerable for years.

Kent needs to sign a contract that there is no quid pro or expectations. Kent can start by showing that he is not doing this for attention by quietly giving some money to the brave Cal Poly Humboldt journalism students who covered the protests at CPH. That was live reporting under challenging circumstances despite the administration's disrespect towards members of the press.

I have been covering county, court and other Humboldt abuse for power as well as cases involving predators who victimize women and children for over a decade with minimal resources, funding and other challenges? Where is the other local media? Where is the funding for my blog from all the pro family value crowd or the liberal PC elite in Humboldt, especially those with dollars to waste and those who don't hesitate to contact me when they want to be featured on my blog?

The BOS did not care then and I doubt the County will do anything now about the golden goose aka DHHS other than settle lawsuits, defelect responsibility or offer up a sacrificial lamb like former Building and Planning Department employee Patrick McTigue which the other useless local media and their owners will use as an excuse to deflect further investigation. 

Once again idiot Kent Sawatzky has jeopardized the safety of the children involved by alerting anyone involved and put more roadblocks for someone like me properly investigating the case. 

The Judicial Conference Committee on Financial Disclosure recently approved revisions regarding ethics and judicial conduct


The Judicial Conference Committee on Financial Disclosure approved revisions to Guide to Judiciary Policy, Volume 2 (Ethics and Judicial Conduct), Part D (Financial Disclosure) to:

  • reflect recent legislative history,
  • promote consistency with Committee on Codes of Conduct regulations,
  • clarify application of the personal hospitality exemption to gifts received at personal residences owned by corporate entities,
  • delete examples that will be moved into next year's filing instructions, and
  • ensure the guidance’s accuracy and completeness.
The document is lengthy. I have included some excerpts in the post.

Pa Cheng arrested again 4 months for oral copulation of a minor, drug charges with a new charge of pandering

(May 2024)
(September 2024)

Pa Cheng was arrested yesterday by the Humboldt County Drug Task Force for PC 287(b)(2) oral copulation of a minor,, PC 266i (a)( 2) pandering by force, threats or violence and HS 11366.5(a) operating or maintaining a drug house.

In May 2024, Cheng was arrested by HCDTF for oral copulation of a minor and drug charges.

Cheng was scheduled to be arraigned on 9/25. Her other 2024 case was on for termination of supervised release. Minutes were not up late afternoon on 9/25 but I have charges that I will be adding later. Dates and attorney information when I can check court minutes again.

Sep 23, 2024

Not content wasting Humboldt court time, Michael Acosta does the same with CA First Apellate District, how many times does he need to hear denied?


These are the three appeals filed by Michael Costa in California's First Apellate District. I have covered these before and there are too many previous posts to link. You can access them via the search feature on the blog. 

In 2020, Acosta's writ of mandate and request for a stay denied.

In 2024, writ of mandate denied.

Numerous extensions of time granted for the third appeal. In August, a Wende brief filed. From California Courts : "In a Wende appeal, the defendant's appellate counsel finds no arguable issues after reviewing the record, and files a brief pursuant to People v. Wende requesting that the court conduct an independent review. Although the defendant has an opportunity to file a brief, it is rarely done."

Yes on F issues press release about poll mentioned in the latest mailer



Many people have already received some of this content in the latest Yes on F mailer. A press release was issued by Yes on F today saying a recent poll "revealed broad community support for housing at the abandoned Jacobs property, emphasizing the need to protect Downtown Eureka’s economic and cultural vibrancy."

In addition to quotes from Measure F campaign co-chairs Mike Munson and Michelle Costantine, the press release has a quote from Sue Santsche, owner of The Spa at Personal Choice.

The most accurate comment on housing challenges in Humboldt


Misty left this comment about a property which is on the agenda for tomorrow's Humboldt Board of Supervisor meeting.

Too bad it is on Lost Coast Outpost where the few anon insiders, whiners and self absorbed don't care. Same few group and mentality that pollutes Redheaded Blackbelt with their anonymous hate. 

Misty's comment should be shared everytime Rex Bohn whines about "retaliation" and homeless encampments with no proof or Eureka Housing For All, Citizens for a Better Eureka, Security National employees or their family members and their sycophants open their mouths online. 

The County wanting to enforce code violations would actually matter if it was not done selectively. Every single person using a house as an office needs to move to a commercial space because that is why there is a lack of housing. We can start with John Fullerton, Paye Rentals, Ming Tree Eureka office, the Nicklas Insurance Company to name a few. At least three of those I mentioned are conservatives.

The baby boomers and generational locals who own more than 5 properties and have loser family members mooching and living off in most of those homes at the expense of their other tenants paying exorbitant rents should justify why a single person is living in a space that could house a family. Betty Chinn, Area Agency on Aging and certain other have received enough funds for years. Time to spread the funds and get new agencies and people involved. DANCO shouldn't get a single dime to maintain their monopoly and slow ass construction. The same people operating low income housing and deciding who qualifies need to be removed and replaced by new people immediately. If Caifornia Governor Gavin Newsom is serious about auditing and rewarding success when it comes to funds for housing, then he needs to take action and hold those profiting off government money accountable.

Just adding names on lists and putting people in housing where they end up moving often because those renting to them just take the money and then use the system to get rid of them should be blacklisted and slumlords should be held accountable. Whether they are friends of the same boorish, arrogant people in charge of Humboldt for decades on the left or right, liberal or conservative.

I am fine with capitalism and property rights; I am not okay with nepotism, cronyism, scammers, greed, corruption and abuse of power.

So far, besides Security National and Measure F committees, none of the Ward 2 or Ward 4 candidates have filed any financial forms


This is the reaction I have when I see a Yes on F Facebook ad or mailer. Judging from the ripped up Yes on F mailers in the recycling bin at the 5th and H post office, I am not the only one who feels that way. Whether that translates into votes, we will have to wait and see.

The next date that 460’s are due for City of Eureka candidates and Measure F is September 26, 2024. Thanks to Eureka Assistant City Manager and City Clerk Pam Powell for uploading forms to the website.

So far, besides Security National and Measure F committees, none of the Ward 2 or Ward 4 candidates have filed any financial forms.

EPD has to investigate stabbing with an uncooperative victim after an altercation over a bicycle

EPD issued a press release just now about the incident on Saturday. 

Sep 22, 2024

Newsom just signed a bill amending Penal Code 647, will Humboldt Superior Court judges enforce the changes?

California Governor Newsom's legislative update is lengthy. Many bills signed and several vetoed.

AB 1511 by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) – State government: diverse, ethnic, and community media.

Newsom signed this into law but actions matter. I agree with many of the observations but until Newsom's own office recognizes, respects independent media and the funding challenges, this is just another feel good bill.

AB 1962 by Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) – Crimes: disorderly conduct.

"This bill amends Section 647 of the Penal Code, which defines disorderly conduct as a misdemeanor. The key provisions of the bill include: 1. Expanding the definition of disorderly conduct to include the distribution of intimate images of another person without their authorization or consent, or by exceeding authorized access to their property, accounts, or resources. 2. Establishing enhanced penalties for repeat violations of the provisions related to invasion of privacy and distribution of intimate images. 3. Providing that the bill does not apply to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct to receive money or other consideration that would, if committed by an adult, violate the prostitution provisions. 4. Specifying that the bill's provisions may only become operative if certain conditions are met, such as the enactment of other related bills. 5. Providing that no reimbursement is required by the state for the costs incurred by local agencies or school districts due to the creation of new crimes or changes to existing ones."

Rex Bohn is concerned about retaliation due to "our recent push on homeless encampments"?

Besides the few public comments on his Facebook page, I am sure his base is privately giving good ole boy Rex a fist bump for this post. 

There will be crickets from left elite and politicians like Mike McGuire, Jared Huffman and Gavin Newsom because cleaning up homeless encampments is the new photo op without any accountability or answers about all the money thrown at housing people which benefits bureaucracy and developers profiting off low income and temporary housing contracts.

When certain other local media who the County and Rex favor wake up from their sleepy weekend and if they cover this in the next few days, will their "coverage" be County approved and a spin of talking points by Rexy and his minions at the County?

Just as I predicted in this August 20 post, Bubba Rex embarassed Humboldt again and made headlines again calling out San Francisco. This time in a Los Angeles Times article.

Brian Mitchell arrested for domestic violence and false imprisonment

Brian Alan Mitchell was arrested yesterday by Arcata Police Department and booked for PC 273.5(a) corporal injury to a spouse and  PC 236 false imprisonment. Bail is $50,000. Location of arrest is 12th and Alliance. 

Although he has a beard now, this is the Brian Mitchell who used to work for Security National, was on the Humboldt Planning Commission and is on the County Assessment Appeals Board.

The age matches and his middle initial is A and he now lives in Arcata. I havent seen Brian for a few years and the last time I saw him, he was clean shaven. 

I heard from a few people after his arrest who have observed Brian. These are well respected individuals and involved in the community. One said, "It wouldnt surprise me, he has issues." Another person said, Brian was "nodding off during commission meetings."

I did contact Lauren at KMUD and Nazy at KRCR to see if they want to followup on this arrest.

9/24: Mitchell was arraigned today. OR/bail on 9/26. He is still in custody.

Sep 21, 2024

Maybe this Trump supporter could park near SN or the Humboldt GOP office instead of clogging up 3rd Street?


Since those parking lots are so important to Measure F supporters which do include many Trump supporters and they claim to be in favor of affordable housing , maybe they should offer one of those parking spots they are trying to save to a fellow Trump supporter.

Or are those parking spots only reserved for Trump supporters approved by Rob Arkley, Michelle Costantine, John Fullerton, the Eureka Housing for All and Citizens for a Better and the Ingomar Club crowd that mooches off the Arkleys every year at the annual Christmas party acting like they have never eaten food or had champagne before? I used to feel embarassed for these social climbers at the events I attended in the past.

Eureka Police Department and the City of Eureka managed to clear off the vehicles that were abandoned and parked for months in an area with apartments, offices, hotels and the only Target in Humboldt County. The only eyesore on 3rd Street now is this Trump supporter's duct taped vehicle.

For readers not from Humboldt, SN refers to Security National. Google Rob Arkley and SN.

Frederick Sundberg Sr. transported to St. Joe's after 299 collision; driver of other vehicle deceased


On Saturday, September 21, at 0732 hours, the California Highway Patrol’s (CHP) Humboldt Communications Center received a call involving a two-vehicle traffic crash on westbound State Route 299, east of Essex Lane. 

Sep 20, 2024

The County pays Kreis for cases he is appointed to but the public are not allowed access to the information that is a part of public record?


Who the attorney is on any case can be viewed as a part of public record. So a list of cases Gregory Kreis has been appointed to is not privileged information. The County could have provided documents relating to that part of the request.

If they do not want to disclose how much Kreis was paid, I will let the numerous lawyers who read this blog weigh in on that one. Let's see the County's response to the second request submitted to the CAO's office and the Humboldt County Auditor Controller. 

First District Supervisor Rex Bohn endorsed Kreis in the past election. Former ousted judge Kreis released the grand jury report about former Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez while she was running for re-election. No other Humboldt judge had done that prior to the election. Humboldt Public Defender Luke Brownfield is a friend of Kreis. If you just read the Commission on Judicial Performance proceedings, you know that information. If you look at his complete list of endorsers for the past election, you can decide whether Kreis who is now a lawyer and on the Humboldt court conflict panel paid by the County is on the same level on the playing field as every other attorney on that panel.

Kreis has made claims about his income in his family law case which I have covered and what he gets paid is relevant to that news coverage and his credibility.

Kreis endorser Sgt. Comer says service fee was waived in lawsuit he filed against me, HCSO receipt after my PRA says different


(Proof of Service filed 9/5/24 screenshot from e court)

(PRA I filed 9/10/24)
(receipt provided by HCSO after my PRA was filed that contradicts the proof of service filed by Comer that claims fee was waived)

I was hoping not to do this post until a future date and after this matter had concluded but because the information provided to me has now been published to the public and it contradicts a court document signed by HCSO Sgt. Joshua Comer, it is now a matter of public interest and transparency.

Comer endorsed disgraced ousted former judge, now local attorney Gregory Kreis, in the last election. Comer is the deputy in charge of court bailiffs. Kreis' opponent won with over 61% of the voters choosing her.

Most of you are regular readers of my blog, you have read my coverage of Humboldt Superior Court including Kreis for 10 years, you have had my information corroborated by the Commission on Judicial Performance, you know the decision, you have read my coverage of the Maria Cuevas case and the DA finally filed a determination of conflict and Kreis was removed from that case. You read my post about Kreis in a courtroom and an exchange he initiated. Keep all this in mind as you read this post.

I had to do this PRA request anonymously and I have covered one of the reasons in the request. Since this is public record now, this involves a case that Kreis filed against me. There is a future hearing and I am not going to address Kreis' claims on the blog but the paperwork he filed is public record. I may after this matter has concluded. What my response is something I will address with proper court procedures. There are so many issues and conflicts with this case that I have to document every little thing.  Kreis is a former judge and now a lawyer in the same court where many of his endorsers, friends and associates; some who were mentioned in the CJP proceedings work. I have also covered Humboldt Superior Court for 10 years and saw how the Rory Kalin, the Ray Christie and the Joe Hale cases were handled.

I deserve a fair chance and due process. Kreis  should not be treated differently than any other party in a case in Humboldt Superior Court. There should not be that appearance and it is up to every judge who presides over any hearing that Kreis is involved in Humboldt Superior Court or any other California Superior Court to ensure rules and law are followed. The CA Judicial Council should do their jobs and monitor the courts.

I have been dealing with this additional hardship while working and dealing with other challenges which some of you already know. I took screenshots of the proof of service filed. As you can see Sgt. Comer states the service fee was waived. I checked with the court clerk and there is no fee waiver for Kreis. There is a credit card payment dated for 9/3/24 provided after my PRA request was filed which I have no way of authenticating when it was recorded or printed.

So which document is accurate? 

I was served this paperwork at the courthouse while trying to check on cases on the second floor. I documented the exact time and place I was served right away and that day, the place and the same time is exactly what is noted on the proof of service filed by HCSO and the signature which is allegedly Comer's.

If the State Bar of California wants to be taken seriously, they need to hold lawyers accountable and not selectively. 

The State chose to reinstate the license of a man who the Commission on Judicial Performance imposed a public censure; a man who agreed to an irrevocable resignation from office and an agreement that he "will not seek or hold judicial office, accept a position or an assignment as a judicial officer, subordinate judicial officer, or judge pro tem with any court in the State of California, or accept a reference of work from any California state court, at any time after May 27, 2024."

From CJP press release about their decision on Kreis: "as a result of multiple acts of misconduct. In at least 44 cases over which he presided, Judge Kreis failed to disclose his relationships with seven attorneys; his familiarity with individuals involved in matters before him; or the extent of his relationships with the individuals. The extent and type of this misconduct is serious. Also, the commission commented that it took particularly seriously the judge’s sexual misconduct with a female acquaintance. Further, the commission based the censure and bar on Judge Kreis’s conduct in treating attorneys and litigants poorly, including making inappropriate, sarcastic, and gratuitous comments to them.  Judge Kreis’s misconduct was aggravated by prior discipline. In 2018, the commission issued an advisory letter to Judge Kreis for intemperate and inappropriate remarks he made about a criminal defendant during a sentencing hearing. "

Has Kreis' behavior changed?

Every time he is involved in a case, appointed to a case, represents a defendant or party, there are recusals and an assignment from the Judicial Council. Extra steps, extra resources and extra time  court staff has to spend when there is constant turnover and staffing issues. His buddies  and endorsers at the County and local court aren't footing the bill. Is the California Judicial Council overseeing all these extra costs not associated with other lawyers?

If the local courts and the California court system expect the average person to follow rules. Then they need to hold their own to the same standard.

Darin Ward arrested by HCSO for sex trafficking of a minor, employment of a minor for pornography and other sex crimes involving a minor

(2024 booking photo)

53 year old Darin Michael Ward was arrested by HCSO on a Ramey warrant yesterday and booked for PC 236.1(c)(2) sex trafficking of a minor by force or violence , PC 311.4 (b) employment of a minor for pornography, PC 288.3(a) contacting a minor with intent to commit a felony or sex crime and two charges of PC 288 (a) lewd or lascivious acts with a minor under 14 years old. Bail at booking is $1 million, 35,000.

The DA's office has not filed charges yet. Status is pending. Ward was arraigned on 9/23. Ward posted bail on 9/24 and is out of custody.

I will update the post with more information as I follow up on this arrest. HCSO PIO Meghan Ruiz is sending out a press release this afternoon with an updated booking photo and more information on this arrest. That press release was issued at 3:40 p.m. today and other than the Eureka location of 2900 block of Essex St, I had already posted everything else earlier.

A reader sent me some information and at this time as tempting as it is to post that information, I dont know if it is the same person. 

I did a search on my blog for the name Darin Michael Ward.

Readers can compare the 2021 posts, what the reader sent me and what I found on Facebook including a 2023 photo and compare it to the 2024 booking photo and come to their own conclusions if this is the same person. People sometimes have aliases, they list names differently on Facebook but unless and until the DA files charges and lists any aliases for the third time, I will caution readers from jumping to conclusions.

What reader sent me:

What I found on Facebook:

(the complete fb post)

(2023 fb photo I had to crop because the rest of it has a child)