Sep 24, 2024

Some Humboldt Redditors need to use google before they post, especially about Kent Sawatzky


Humboldt Redditors is a mix of insiders, people who no longer live in Humboldt but frequent many Humboldt online comment sections, some are educated and informed people and many who need to use google and read more than one or two local media sources before posting.  That last task would cut down on 90% of the questions.

Agreeable Radish falls into the category of using google and expanding list of local media Humboldt Redditors should read.

InsertRadname here is either an insider or informed local. Kent Sawatzky claims a lot, never has evidence that any legit reporter can use to back claims, makes a big to do about what he has read somewhere and what has been reported months ago and expects reporters to waste time hunting down evidence on his unfounded allegations. He also has an agenda which many in Humboldt do except they don't waste public comment time at every meeting and talk for the entire 3 minutes every single time at the podium. Radish, search Kent on my blog and google him. 

Radish has still have not answered Insert's question. The post is clickbait. How do we know Radish is not connected to Kent or is his latest minion to post on Reddit as a way to get some coverage. Or is someone trying to push their preferred local media source to get some views. That is the problem with anons. I am certainly not dropping everything to chase down some vague tip posted online by an anon about Kent's claims on a busy news day. Radish, since you did not mention what the allegations are from today's meeting, maybe google if it has already been covered.

When Radish finally answered what Kent's comment was, not only have issues, concerns and lawsuits regarding CWS been covered on this blog but CWS has been covered at least once by other local media. 

Proving all my points before about many Humboldt Redditors. With the exception of a few threads; that forum like many others in Humboldt is not about "community" but just another cliquey online social group that is more like an AOL chatroom full of people who repeat old news or waste time.

As for Arcata stewpid, the cowardly insider gutless troll , after decades of the same false lame accusation, get a life and a new line. Another gutless Humboldt loser spewing hate and lies behind a screen. Reddit another useless anon online site  linked on Patrick Cleary's trash site. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out your identity. Humboldt is full of anonymous, weak pathetic weasels who hide behind a screen. 

There are many horrific stories about abuse in the courts, in family law cases, in what gets addressed and what does not. It takes time to gather evidence, to get attention, to be careful that the children's identities are protected. I have been working with one reader for years and a state investigator is involved. Telling the Humboldt Board of Supervisors will do squat.

Kent talks a lot and has done nothing. He was going to "save" former auditor Karen Paz Dominguez, he threatened to file a lawsuit against the County.

He was going to take down Gregory Kreis and told me that Kreis was hanging out with the good ole boys. Kent as usual did nothing. And Kent said this about Kreis after I had been covering Kreis for years and wrote about Kreis' good ole boy endorsements which anyone could anyone could view on the campaign website.

People with money to waste like Cleary and Kent  have done nothing about the corruption and entrenched systems in Humboldt. A lot of anons throw out stuff online which involves zero risk and cannot be substantiated. You have most of the local media owned by people who hob nob with the people they should hold accountable.

I and others have known Kent for years and what I say about him is based on personal experience. If Kent truly wants to help this community or is concerned about children, he needs to put the money he has to good use and donate to several local and independent media who don't have corporate funders or special interests supporting them. Kent needs to support local, independent media that exposes the courts, the County and has been speaking up for the most vulnerable for years.

Kent needs to sign a contract that there is no quid pro or expectations. Kent can start by showing that he is not doing this for attention by quietly giving some money to the brave Cal Poly Humboldt journalism students who covered the protests at CPH. That was live reporting under challenging circumstances despite the administration's disrespect towards members of the press.

I have been covering county, court and other Humboldt abuse for power as well as cases involving predators who victimize women and children for over a decade with minimal resources, funding and other challenges? Where is the other local media? Where is the funding for my blog from all the pro family value crowd or the liberal PC elite in Humboldt, especially those with dollars to waste and those who don't hesitate to contact me when they want to be featured on my blog?

The BOS did not care then and I doubt the County will do anything now about the golden goose aka DHHS other than settle lawsuits, defelect responsibility or offer up a sacrificial lamb like former Building and Planning Department employee Patrick McTigue which the other useless local media and their owners will use as an excuse to deflect further investigation. 

Once again idiot Kent Sawatzky has jeopardized the safety of the children involved by alerting anyone involved and put more roadblocks for someone like me properly investigating the case. 

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