Dec 31, 2024

This wekend HCSO responded to several incidents involving shootings including one inside Toni's restaurant, two Hoopa residents booked into the jail

Between December 28 and 29, Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies responded to several incidents involving shootings along roadways in the county.

Chief Justice Roberts 2024 report tackles doxing, public officials intimidating judges, judicial independence and starts off with December 1761 and King George III

(Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.)

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.,  issued his 2024 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary. This is the 20th report Chief Justice Roberts has issued since he was appointed chief justice in 2005.

This is a 15 page report. The first three pages include December 1761, King George III, the colonies, the first Chief Justice of the United States, John Jay, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist. There are some stats such as bankruptcy filings and workload of the courts.

Gary Landergen's retrial will not happen in January 2025


(Booking photo before Ninth Circuit ruling)

This morning, there was a hearing on the defense motion to continue scheduled in Gary Landergen's case. After a hung jury on all counts, trial confirmation was scheduled for 1/13/25 and jury trial for 1/27/25. Those dates were vacated today.

Landergen is out of custody so the motion being granted by Judge Timothy Canning is not a surprise. Setting is scheduled for 1/9/25.

1/9/25: Trial confirmation on 4/21/25; jury trial on 4/28.

Two years later, Jared Johnson arrested again by EPD, this time for alleged sex crimes involving a minor


I knew Jared Ross Johnson's name sounded familiar. In February 2022, Johnson was one of three people arrested by the Humboldt County Drug Task Force with the assistance of assistance of the Eureka Police Department Problem Oriented Policing.

In 2022, Johnson was booked for PC 273a(a) child endangerment, HS 11350 possession of fentanyl, HS 11351 possession of fentanyl for sales and PC 182(a)(1) conspiracy to commit a crime. In 2022,  Johnson was on parole for PC245- assault with a deadly weapon and was placed under a no bail parole hold.

Johnson admitted his Post Release Community Supervision on 1/2/2023.

Last night, EPD Sgt. Sgt Cory Crinch arrested 24 year old Johnson for PC 243.4(a) sexual battery, PC 261.5(c) unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, PC 261(a)(3) rape of an intoxicated victim, PC 261(a)(2) rape and PC 272(a)(1) contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Dec 30, 2024

CA handyman exemption increases to $1,000 in 2025

A new law will raise the threshold for work requiring a contractor’s license from $500 to $1,000.

EPD releases details about woman"dangling off the railings" who had climbed to the top.of the water tower

I contacted Eureka Police Department PIO Laura Montagna and as I was doing this post, the press release went out. The incident started around 6:05 p.m.

A reader and someone I know well for years asked me to follow up with EPD about an incident they personally witnessed from their residence. They were concerned about the woman.

They said around 8:30 p.m. last night, they observed a woman was on top of the water tower near Harrison and I and EPD was talking to her.

Thanks to the Insulation Pros guy for warning others about this guy


At 9:56, I was outside the 4th Street entrance and a local attorney was walking out. A guy in an Insulation Pros truck drove by and warned us of "a guy walking around with a knife" headed our way. The attorney went inside and notified security. Both of us went inside the building and I just had seconds to take this photo. The guy walked by the 4th street entrance and yelled, "Die" "bitch" while making stabbing gestures and walked down 4th street. 

I have contacted EPD, gave a description, sent them this photo. Courthouse surveillance probably has a better photo or video to give EPD; if necessary.  EPD PIO Laura Montagna told me, "Thanks. Yes there was a call and officers are looking for him. " She will let me know if he was located and I will update if there is additional information.

Three year old ejected from flatbed of truck succumbs from injuries in Centerville Road collision

On Sunday, December 29, 2024 at approximately 8:44 AM, a 2024 Ford pickup was being driven on Centerville Road, west of Poole Road., by an adult male. The Ford was also occupied by two male juveniles [ages 5 and 3], who were unrestrained on the flat bed of the truck.

Dec 29, 2024

"As a result of pervasive mismanagement by the charity and its board members, folks from vulnerable communities who already struggle to find housing faced unsafe and unsanitary living conditions."


This is the first item in California Attorney General Rob Bonta's weekly newsletter. Listed below is the Bonta's message summarizing the press release.

"This week, we filed a lawsuit against C.C.O.A. Housing Corporation for failing to fulfill its legal obligations as a charity in operating Cathay Manor, a 268-unit apartment complex for low-income seniors in downtown Los Angeles’ Chinatown. As a result of pervasive mismanagement by the charity and its board members, folks from vulnerable communities who already struggle to find housing faced unsafe and unsanitary living conditions."

To the readers who reached out in the last two days: You are the light; the uniqueness and positive in Humboldt. You are the hope and future of Humboldt. For the small part I play and your appreciation for my work; thank you.


I hear from people all the time in person or via email with similar thoughts. I have shared some of those emails in the past. To those who took the time to read my December 21 post, thank you.

The people who reached out to me in the last two days deserve a special thanks. As do the people who took time out of their holiday celebrations this year to reach out. To all the people who daily do acts of kindness and show compassion but in this last week have been examples of light defeating darkness and good being victorious over evil. This is not a religious concept although it is theme in many religions and belief systems for a reason. Faith, decency, good and truth are infinite and universal values. 

I don't always share every private and personal experiences on the blog and postive interactions with my readers and people who have known me for the 21 years I have been in Humboldt are more prevalent. I don't always share who I help or the lawyers and businesses I promote and some of those businesses and lawyers are not my advertisers.

There is a lot of good in Humboldt and decent, selfless people who go unrecognized in today's society where hate, negativity, division and drama is what funders and those in power want. 

There are a lot more who support me than the negative, petty, abusive minority who have wronged me and others. Every day, I am reminded that what I share; what I speak about has been experienced by others.

To the readers who sent me the messages below. You are the light; the uniqueness and positive in Humboldt. You are the hope and future of Humboldt. For the small part I play and your appreciation for my work; thank you.

Sara Maltzman arrested again 8 days later after the Dec 20 arrest, two days after being released from custody because the DA did not file charges for the earlier arrest

I previously reported on Sara Michelle Maltzman's December 20 arrest by HCSO

HCSO Sgt. Shane Steele arrested her last night for PC 273.6(a) violation of a protective order and PC 148 (a) (1) resisting arrest. The jail log lists these two charges as fresh arrest. The jail log is sometimes incorrect. The most recent example is in my recent post about Derek Barnett. 

Maltzman's latest arrest is 8 days later from the Dec 20 arrest and two days after the jail released her from custody per PC 849.5. It seems charges were not filed by the DA's office for the December 20 arrest.

"In any case in which a person is arrested and released and no accusatory pleading is filed charging him with an offense, any record of arrest of the person shall include a record of release. Thereafter, the arrest shall not be deemed an arrest, but a detention only."

Two of these charges are exactly the same as the ones from December 20 arrest. Sgt. Steele is one of the best local law enforcement officers. So did the DA drop the ball which wouldn't be the first time by the prosecutors usually assigned to these cases or is there a more complete story to these two arrests? 

I am not interested in hearing unverified or biased information from parties connected to Maltzman or any alleged victim or random reader.

Maltzman is one of many such cases and unfortunately in Humboldt, there are too many criminals and not enough time. There are other cases more serious and relevant to my readers. The public is free to call the DA, check the public court computers. This isn't on my priority list unless I happen to find out any clarifying information from a trusted authority.

2/11/25: Maltzman arrested again for PC273.6(a) violation of a court order.

3/3/25: Maltzman arrested by HCSO for two violation of court orders, two charges of vandalism and grand theft.

Dec 28, 2024

"Drove through the aftermath of an accident on 6th & E. "

Received this photo and message from Jessy Smith at 12:18 p.m. "Drove through the aftermath of an accident on 6th & E. " Jessy said he drove by around 12:03. At 12:26, all clear. I checked and there are no signs of an accident and no EPD vehicles.

Convicted molestor and sex offender Darrel Tatro has had multiple arrests this year which include probation violations, yet he keeps getting resolutions and is back on the streets


I have been covering convicted molestor Darrel Tatro since 2022. He violated probation earlier this year for failure to register as a sex offender. I reported on that arrest and the last update on 5/1/24 when Tatro was booked into Humboldt County jail to serve time for probation violation, distributing or showing porn to a minor and meeting a minor for lewd purposes which were the charges he pleaded guilty to in his 2022 case.

On 12/27/24, Tatro had a VOP arraignment scheduled in CR2202668. Tatro failed to appear, a bench warrant stating Tatro should be booked with no bail was issued by Judge Steven Steward. This repeat offender needs to be sent to prison instead of repeatedly being given plea deals and released on the streets. I am not spending hours following this loser. If I happen to have time, I will do an update on his case.

Just keeping up Tatro and others like Daniel Fidler would be enough content for the blog. This is a waste of time for law enforcement and me and the local courts need to start holding repeat criminals accountable. If you read my previous post, you will see other arrests but I did not even bother to include CR2400579 drug offense case because it was dismissed by DA on 3/11/24 due to resolution of other cases.

3/12/25: Tatro has a hearing scheduled for probation violation.

Convicted felon Daniel Fidler charged in another case with burglary and vandalism at Humboldt 454 LLC


The last post I did on convicted felon Daniel Fidler was in November. He was held to answer in CR2402055 to 19 out of 20 charges. In that case, Readiness Conference is scheduled on 3/12/25; jury trial 3/24/25. Fidler has so many cases that it is hard to keep up. There are different prosecutors for his cases depending on the charges.Fidler is on a no bail status in CR2402055 and request to modify bail was denied.

Fidler's preliminary hearing in his latest case CR2403759 was scheduled for 12/24/24 was continued by DA to 12/27 due to witness unavailability. Fidler waived his preliminary hearing. This case will be dismissed by the People with a Harvey waiver if there is a resolution or conviction in CR2402055. Court minutes have more details. Arraignment on information is scheduled for 3/12/25 in CR2403759.

Dec 27, 2024

In his latest filing on behalf of former court reporter, Patrik Griego claims County is negligent and either lost or destroyed her employment records

I just did a post on December 11, 2024 on former Humboldt Superior Court reporter Kay Gibbs' lawsuit against the County of Humboldt. 

Del Norte Superior Judge Darren McElfresh has ruled twice in favor of the County of Humboldt. The law firm of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore has been retained by the County. Janssen Malloy's Mr. Patrik Griego represents Gibbs. Mr. Griego told me that he is doing this pro bono.

Eureka Capital Group LLC files dismissal of case against Floyd Squires & Community Loan Servicing LLC

On November 19, I reported on a lawsuit filed by Eureka Capital Group LLC against Floyd Squires & Community Loan Servicing LLC.

A case management conference was scheduled on 12/23/24. A motion for dismissal with prejudice was filed on 12/23/24. No court minutes or any other information was available when I checked on 12/26/24.

Michael Kreider arrested for alleged "possession of "over 600 images of child or youth pornography"


Michael James Kreider was arrested by HCSO on an arrest warrant issued yesterday for PC 311.11(c)(1), posession of child pornography. Bail was $25,000 and Kreider posted bond through Aladdin. 

Dec 26, 2024

Another accident at 7th and I

(Photo: John Chiv)

(Photo: John Chiv)

By the Kaber law offices. Just walked and saw  this around 4:15 p.m. More EPD police vehicles and police service trucks were driving to the scene. EPD left at 4:20 p.m.
I did not see any ambulance or injured parties.

Dec 24, 2024

Derek Barnett arrested for three felony sex crimes involving a minor


According to the jail log Derek Ryan Barnett was arrested yesterday by Arcata Police Department on a new charge and two Ramey warrant charges.

I am not aware of an APD officer Hill. I do know DA Investigator Ryan Hill who works on molestation cases and usually arrests on a Ramey warrant. 

Regardless of who arrested him, Barnett was booked yesterday for PC 288.3(a) contacting a minor to commit a felony sex crime, PC 288.2(a)(2) sending harmful material to seduce a minor and PC 288.4 (b) arranging a meeting with a minor for lewd purposes. 

The jail log is incorrect about APD being the arresting agency. The Ramey warrant was entered into e court on 12/26/24 and the arrest was by DA Investigator Hill. 

Dec 23, 2024

39 year old Sara Maltzman fled from deputies after stealing a vehicle from the person who has a restraining order against her

HCSO just released details about this arrest from last Friday. The jail log lists her full name Sara Michelle Maltzman. 

The booking photo which law enforcement is no longer allowed to release and media is are no longer allowed to post can still be viewed online. I know there are readers who know how to look that up and see what they think and see if the booking photo matches this person who you can search on google and view social media photos. I took screenshots and did myown comparison. The same photo on Instagram is on a Facebook profile for a Sara Matzman who lives in Fields Landing.

Anthony Hamilton sentenced last week but still holding up a bed at the local jail


I have done several posts on convicted killer Anthony Hamilton and regularly followed the case since Jennika Suazo was found dead. 

On 12/20/24, Hamilton was sentenced to the stipulated 11 year prison term. I reported about th plea deal and resolution last month. As I mentioned in my last few posts, no other media was in court for the past several hearings. He is still in custody at the local jail as of this afternoon.

Dec 22, 2024

The press and public have a constitutional right to discuss what’s publicly known"; Bonta and SF City Attorney sued in a lawsuit about the First Amendment


The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression sued California Attorney General Rob Bonta and San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu in a lawsuit about the First Amendment and obtained a preliminary injunction last Thursday to halt enforcement of California’s anti-dissemination statute, Penal Code § 851.92(c). The parties also stipulated to an extension of time to allow defendants, Bonta and Chiu to respond to the complaint.

Freedom of the press is under attack by both parties. The defendants in this lawsuit though are liberal Californians; not the GOP and not Donald Trump. Where is the coverage by CNN, CALMatters and ABC7? Kudos to FIRE for being non partisan and holding those in power accountable.

Dec 21, 2024

I would like to thank Kreis for filing his lawsuit; I had planned to move on from doing the blog and from Humboldt

Paul was a friend. Paul respected other media and I remember covering live news with him which concerned both Humboldt and Mendocino counties. The screenshots above you could probably still find on Facebook. I share them because not much has changed in Humboldt County for decades about how the "powers" react to honest coverage and the truth.

I would like to thank Gregory Kreis for filing his ridiculous, petty, small claims lawsuit. If you did not read the post on the ruling; you should.

Before he chose to do that; for many reasons I had planned to move on from doing this blog. He and my minority group of haters would have got what they wanted without doing anything. 

For many reasons I was exploring other options and I have wanted to move from Humboldt for a while. Not run away; not be chased out of Humboldt but my choice. There have been constant efforts to destroy me; silence me and break me down since I started this blog. 

Who will prevail in the lawsuit filed by Boys and Girls of Sonoma Valley against Adina Flores, Laura Ainsworth et al? This lawsuit has a lot of deja vu and red flags like "Newsworthy"


(Sonoma Superior Court)

Have Adina Flores  and Laura Ainsworth uncovered news that should be investigated further or will Boys and Girls Club of Sonoma Valley prevail? Hard to tell at this juncture.

Dec 18, 2024

Twitter aka X is having a meltdown because Newsom declared state of emergency in response to bird flu while ignoring relevant information


Read more at :

CBS and other informational tweets are lost among Twitter meltdown from people who do not live in California.

"Following an investigation by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and rapid disease detection by California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System (CAHFS), the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) has confirmed highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in three (3) new poultry flocks, one backyard flock in Kern County, one commercial flock in Stanislaus County, and one commercial flock in Tulare County. Movement restrictions have been placed in the following nine (9) California counties: Fresno, Kern, Kings, Marin, Merced, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare."

Cause of Circle Drive fire still under investigation; estimated loss $60,000

(Photo: Humboldt Bay Fire)

(Humboldt Bay Fire)

At approximately 9:08 am on Tuesday December 17th  Humboldt Bay Fire (HBF) was dispatched to a reported structure fire on the 1800 block of Circle Dr. 

Special Master Dustin Owens to copy cell phone extraction data and provide to defense in suspended attorney Victor Campos' case


Suspended attorney Victor Campos and co-defendant Kyle Cross have Readiness Conference scheduled for 1/8/25 and jury trial on 1/21/25. There is already a motion to continue filed for 1/8/25.

There was a hearing scheduled on 12/17 only in Campos' case on evidence review by local attorney Mr. Dustin Owens who is the Special Master in Campos' case. 

One Fortuna bad boy gets 15 years, the other 9 years and 8 months but they won't be serving that time in custody

Finally on 12/16/24, Miguel Moreno and Ruben Ramirez were sentenced. Now this is the press release the DA should have issued instead of the one on Jesus Loza Zamacona. This case is more relevant to local readers.  So why wasn't there a press release? Both got probation. Moreno got sentencedto more time than Ramirez but both had execution of sentence suspended and were placed on probation by Retired Judge Christopher Wilson.

The link below was the lastpost I did before this one. It has links to all my coverage this case.

Timothy Micheal Johnson arrested by CHP for attempted murder and resisting arrest

60 year old Timothy Micheal Johnson was arrested yesterday evening by CHP for PC664/187(a) attempted murder and  PC 148(a) resisting arrest. He was booked on a no bail hold status.

I have reached out to Humboldt CHP PIO Paul Craft for more information and to ask whether a press release will be issued. He is looking into my inquiry and I will update the post.

Ten film and television projects to generate $509 million revenue for California and create 3,583 cast and crew jobs

California Governor Gavin Newsom's press office just issued a release that “Imperfect Women,” “Bad Monkey” and eight other film and television projects  have been awarded $108.6 million in tax credits to film in California. Together, these productions are expected to generate $509 million in qualified California expenditures, support local businesses and create 3,583 cast and crew jobs.

Dec 17, 2024

Federal goverment to pay at $116 million, the largest settlement in federal prison history, to sexual abuse survivors of the former women's prison in Dublin, California


The settlement got national coverage.

DA's press release on convicted felon does not include his lengthy criminal record and all his cases

I have been covering  Jesus Loza Zamacona for months. Mr. David Nims was his attorney before Ms. Rebecca Linkous. CR2300870, CR2302914, CR2302663, CR2203217 and CR2301760 are all his open cases. Ms. Linkous had filed a Romero motion which was originally scheduled for yesterday. The sentencing and ruling motion was continued by Judge Lawrwnce Killoran to 12/17. The Romero motion was granted. In 2302914, Loza Zamacona was ordered to stay away from Jane Doe.

I covered the verdict live on November 15 in the lead case for which he was sentenced today. Attorneys were working on a global resolution of his other 4 cases. Five open cases and he was  sentenced to 6 years in prison. After you add up custody credits, how much time will he actually serve? 

$563, 250 in penalties after Cal/OSHA cites Harbor Animal Services Center in San Pedro for overcrowding, employee injuries and other violations

(Image: Google)

The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has issued $563,250 in penalties to Harbor Animal Services Center, based in San Pedro, California, for failing to evaluate and correct overcrowding at their animal shelter, which resulted in animal attacks and bites on employees. An employee was mauled on May 31, 2024, due to the employer’s willful violations of safety regulations.

EPD searching Tacoma at Harris and N last night, accident or probation search?


(Photo: Jesse Smith)

(Photo: Jesse Smith)

Jesse Smith sent me a message yesterday at 11:21 p.m. with photos. "N & Harris. I'm not sure what happened. Someone said it was an accident. No ambulance, just the two EPD cars. It almost looked like they were searching it too, the Tacoma. "

I have contacted EPD PIO Laura Montagna for more information. "It was a traffic collision,  the driver swerved to miss hitting a racoon that ran in front of him. He was not injured and not under the influence. He hit a vehicle."

Dec 16, 2024

Ruling next month whether hate crime suspect Daniel Epperson will be granted mental health diversion


Lee and Joshua Ulansey are the alleged victims in hate crime suspect Daniel Epperson's 2024 criminal case. In my regular coverage since I first reported and broke the story about Epperson's arrest, I also posted exclusive information which was the graphic, anti semitic texts Epperson sent the Ulanseys. 

On 12/13/25, the People and defense submitted on the petition on mental health diversion. Judge Lawrence Killoran took the matter under submission. Ruling is scheduled for 1/15/25. Eppetson has a 2023 VOP case which is trailing.