I did a post on the reckless driving arrest yesterday with photos of the white truck and information from Eureka Police Department on scene. I covered it live with several photos.
Based on the charges and time from jail log, it looks like the arrest was for Scott Risling Brooks. I confirmed with EPD PIO Laura Montagna it is Brooks. Bail is $45,000.
Brooks was arrested for HS 11350(a), PC148 (a)(1) resisting arrest, two counts of PC 1203.2(a) probation violation, PC 602.5(a), , PC 243(b), PC69, VC20002(a), VC12500(a), VC23152(f), VC2800.1(a). Some of the charges are news and some from a bench warrant. In 2024, Brooks already has two 2024 cases. Charges for the December arrest would make it his third 2024 case.
Brooks has 8 cases in the Humboldt Superior Court system which includes one open 2024 crininal case filed 11/18/24. CR2403448 filed 11/18/24 for an Arcata PD case. Count t 1 PC 148 (a) (1) and Count 2 HS 11350 possession of cocaine. Brooks failed to appear for arraignment on 12/2/24; bench warrant issued for $5,000 by Retired Judge Ksenia Tsenin. Arraignment scheduled for 1/3/25 in this case but may change due to the December 2024 EPD arrest.
Brooks has a conviction in another 2024 case for PC 550 (b) (1) for insurance fraud. Court minutes do not list what happened to Count 2 and 3. He has a violation of probation in his 2023 case, conviction in traffic case and conviction in 2019 DUI case.
CR2403771 is the case filed after Brooks December arrest by Eureka Police Department. He is charged with 3 felonies, 8 misdemeanors and one special allegation. The complaint was filed 12/11 and Brooks was arraigned on 12/11, Public Defender's office was appointed, Judge Kelly Neel set bail at $25,000. OR bail is scheduled for 12/13; preliminary hearing for 12/20.
EPD Officers Ben Altic, Ryan Cassidy, Officer Logan Meyers, EPD Commander Leonard LaFrance and EPD Chief Stephens are the officers, hit and run property damage vehicles belonging to Humboldt Superior Court Clerk Supervisor Monsell, Amy Campbellblair, EPD patrol vehicle and Sally Port Door to the Humboldt Correctional Facility.
12/13: Supervised release denied by Judge Cockrum in CR2403771, preliminary hearing on 12/20. Arraignment in CR2403448 scheduled on 1/3/25 vacated, $10,000 bail in this case, OR bail on 12/13, pre trial on 12/20. This case is trailing.
12/20/24: In CR2403771, preliminary hearing was continued by defense due to recent discovery. On 12/24 preliminary hearing was waived and Brooks was held to answer as charged by Judge Steven Steward. Arraignment on information is scheduled for 1/7/25. In CR2403448 which is trailing, just as I mentioned earlier in the post, the 1/3/25 arraignment date was vacated.
1/7/25: Brooks was supposed to be arraigned on information in the EPD case on the same 11 counts but the hearing was continued by the DA's office to 1/8/25 because information had not been filed.; the document was filed later on 1/7/25. CR2403448, the APD case, is trailing.
1/8/25: In CR2403771, 1/21 is a pre trial conference; readiness conference is scheduled for 2/13; jury trial 2/24/25. A pre trial is also scheduled on 1/21/25 in the APD case CR2403448
which is trailing.
1/21: DA motion to amend information in CR2403772 granted. CR2403448 trailing. I have been reporting in these two arrests. On 1/21/25, these three other cases were also on calendar: CR2403906, CR2302261 and CR2401640A.
2/13/25: In CR2403771, the EPD case, jury trial for 2/24 confirmed but defense plans to file petition for mental health diversion.CR2403448 the APD case, CR2403906, CR2302261 and CR2401640A are all trailing.
2/24/25: Jury trial continued again by defense; still saying seeking mental health diversion; defense has subpoenaed records from Humboldt County Mental Health. Readiness Conference on 3/20; jury trial on 4/1.
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