Jun 27, 2024

Sam tells Billy "political antics are not going to cut it" and calls out Eads and DA on "malicious prosecution and potential Brady violations, all stemming from personal issues."


After my post yesterday, Sheriff William Honsal sent this response to former HCSO Lt. Sam Williams, "Good Afternoon Sam, Your email complaint has been reviewed.   At this time I do not have supporting evidence that indicates a policy violation has occurred.  If you want to discuss your case further and provide further details, we can set up a time next week to talk.  Let me know what works best for you."

Sam's response to Sheriff Honsal is posted below.

"Forgive me, I know you’re not trying to be funny, but I couldn’t help but laugh a tiny bit at your response.  You’ve done this job for a while, and so have I, we both know how this works.  You know me well enough to know I am a to the point kind of person, so I’ll get to that.  The political antics are not going to cut it here.  Remember, I know the game too, you have to do better than that after a year and a half of me being drug through the proverbial mud, my family destroyed, my career maliciously wrecked, my future snuffed out, and nearly a month since my email with no response.  But thanks, I needed a good chuckle, it’s been a minute since I’ve even smiled."

"First of all, the absolute last thing that I would ever do at this point is set up a time to ‘talk’ freely with any of you.  Clearly, my previous open and honest ‘talk’ and providing all the ‘supporting evidence’ to then be twisted later and used against me was not a good idea.  Lesson learned, doing the right thing and trusting others to do the same is complete foolishness. "

"As you know, a citizen complaint rarely has ‘supporting evidence.’  When it does it’s usually on some sort of video.  Everything I have mentioned was conducted outside my presence.  That is the entire point of asking for it to be investigated further by those with the authority to do so.  Ask yourself, honestly, can you imagine telling any other person (especially one of the many people who call your personal phone) who filed a complaint, ‘show us the evidence’ in order for us to investigate?  I mean that is just contrary to logic and you know it.  Are you kidding me?  If a Board of Supervisor called you and asked for an investigation into how they were treated would you give the same lame response?  That’s rhetorical, because we all know the answer is no.  Mrs. Eads has been more than eager to prosecute those she wants to ruin. Why not investigate my claims now?"

"Apparently now, I am suppose to investigate and provide you the evidence?  For instance, how would I be able to look at body worn camera footage?  How would I be able to look at dispatch logs or listen to audio calls?  How would I be able to interview the deputies about their directed actions, or to ask Bryan Quenell what direction he provided to Ben Filipini or how Ben felt about that direction.  How would I be able to interview Steve Dunn or Candace Myers, to find out what occurred in their investigation and why they did what they did?  Why a case that was sent up as a misdemeanor was picked up and ran with like no other case, and increased to a felony in a clear over charge? How am I to interview Danielle or Brian?  The investigative questions I could provide would go on and on.  Things you all should be asking and finding the answers to."

"I have shared with each of you, my concerns and what occurred.  It should be of great concern to you and Mrs. Eads as well (moreover the citizens of this county deserve it).  Especially on the side of the DA’s Office with the malicious prosecution and potential Brady violations, all stemming from personal issues."

"So let’s skip the political gamesmanship, I’ve raised some very serious concerns, and we both know the job of finding ‘supporting evidence’ belongs to you and Mrs. Eads.  Mrs. Eads certainly spared no expense or effort when investigating me (I mean truthfully, I was actually a bit tickled to see Steve Dunn actually do anything that resembled work though!) This entire thing was morally and ethically bankrupt, a complete miscarriage of justice as many other attorneys have called it, and now asking me to provide ‘supporting evidence’ to keep it from being swept under the rug is just a continuation of the pattern.  It’s insulting…again."

"There are a lot of people who would like answers, myself included.   This is not a simple matter of a disgruntled employee or angry convicted criminal.  I’m over all that.  This is a legitimate and serious matter that needs to be investigated for the community as a whole."

"All I am interested in is the truth.  My life has been laid out for all to see, so let’s finish the job and investigate.  My email complaint is a plenty clear enough road map to start looking for the truth.  Start at the beginning, address each of the concerns and you just might find the answers and be able to provide an explanation.  Investigation 101.  That’s what I am requesting.  I know it can be done.  The question is will it."

Anyone who reads my blog for the past 10 years and everyone who knows me for 20 years knows what I think of former DA Paul Gallegos. Keeping that in mind, Stacey Eads is the worst, most immature, unprofessional District Attorney Humboldt has had and the losses and plea deals under her "leadership" which includes repeat offenders, molestors and abusers are facts that back my opinion which is based on covering Humboldt Superior Court for 10 years. It was my coverage that exposed disgraced Gregory Kreis and his enablers long before any CJP investigation and before the removal of Kreis permanently by CJP from the Humboldt bench and ensuring he will never seek judicial office again.

Related post:


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