May 20, 2024

Social media is useful but not when the focus is on the wrong people and the motivation is an agenda


In 2020, I did a post on convicted sex offender Shawn Lee Perrot who was arrested on several sex  charges involving a minor. In 2022, I did a post on him suing Humboldt County. Perrot has many aliases. His Megan's Law listing has a SVP designation. SVP as in sexually violent predator?  Court documents there was a SVP filing in 2020 but dismissed in 2022. Not all court documents are in e court.

With 23 searches and cases coming up in a name search for Perrot,I will update the post with court records when I have time. Where were all these keyboard warriors and those sharing screenshots in 2002, 2004, 2021, 2022, 2023 or 2024?

The person and persons who created this hysteria on social media about a ribbon cutting and posted the same information from Megan's Law should have done some in depth research on Perrot but that actually requires effort, sacrifice and takes time.

In 2004, former Humboldt County DA Deputy Andrew Isaac prosecuted Perot. According to court records, "the People withdraw the motion to commit, defendant is released to parole only."

Perrot is also the owner of Lost Coast LEDS. Recently, there was a ribbon cutting. Eureka Mayor Kim Bergel was unavailable so Eureka Councilmember Renee Contreras-deloach did the ribbon cutting.

There are screenshots circulating around on social media on Bergel's page  and apparently the Eureka Chamber of Commerce has deleted the ribbon cutting post and is allegedly blocking comments. I have reached out to the Eureka Chamber of Commerce. 

There is a story here but it is not speculation, insinuations and people with agendas on social media. Other than people who report on court and crime or regularly follow coverage on court, crime and sex abuse cases, are victims or affiliated with the victims, Perrot's name or any sex offender's name would mean nothing. 

Did the people on social media bother to reach out or get facts? I spoke to Councilmember Contreras-Deloach. She had no idea of Perrot's background. Did Eureka Chamber of Commerce know? Why did they delete the post? 

I will follow up on Perrot's case but there are over 20 other cases daily and other news more pertinent. Agenda based hysteria on social media does not dictate my time nor do any of these agenda based hysterics with misdirected hate and anger pay my bills. Did these people bother to call the DA about Perrot's last arrest and sentence or do any fact checking? I did call the DA's office a few minutes ago and was told other than a 2023 filing for PC 3000.8 (f) parole violation, I was told there is no case for Perrot in the DA's system. That does not make sense so I will check when I am at the courthouse next because I am curious. I did follow up and add court records to the post.

These people who have a lot of time on their hands. and are so concerned about a ribbon cutting and Perrot, how many support the only news source  regularly keeping people informed on predators and sit through hearings and trials. They could have reached out to me. They aren't out there supporting victims, working to change laws about sexual predators, showing up and speaking when these offenders get a slap on the wrist. 

I share the outrage that this POS owns a business. I don't like that sex offenders get a slap on the wrist for violating terms of their release or that they take away housing from people who need it. Call the Governor and the useless politicians who are a joke when it comes to public safety.

When you muddy your uninformed outrage with your political views and bias about the City of Eureka, cant tell the difference between the Eureka of Chamber Commerce  page and what Facebook page you are commenting on and don't bother to call out who is responsible for Perrot being on the streets, I question whether your concern is the safety of children and this community or just a Facebook post or any online attack for attention.

Megan's Law:

Lost his appeal in 2004 conviction

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