May 13, 2024

Redwood Parks Conservancy extends special invitation to LGBTQ community for "Pride in Our Parks"

Redwood Parks Conservancy (RPC) is excited to extend a special invitation to the LGBTQ community for the upcoming event, "Pride in Our Parks," taking place on Berry Glen trail near Lady Bird Johnson Grove on Saturday, June 22nd. 

This event is the second in RPC's series of 4-hour trail brushing projects within Redwood National and State Parks. These projects exemplify RPC's commitment to protecting and preserving the redwoods while integrating hands-on stewardship with educational components to enrich visitor experiences and promote sustainable outdoor practices.

RPC's Executive Director, Sal Munoz Moreno, expressed enthusiasm for hosting "Pride in Our Parks," stating, "We are thrilled to welcome members of the LGBTQ community to join us in this important initiative. This event provides an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to come together, connect with nature, and contribute to the preservation of our beloved parks."

The primary goal of "Pride in Our Parks" is twofold: to improve trail conditions and promote trail etiquette education. Participants will engage in hands-on trail brushing tasks such as vegetation removal and debris clearing, while also receiving a dedicated segment on trail etiquette education. Topics covered will include Leave No Trace principles, wildlife interaction, waste management, and respectful visitor behavior.

According to RPC's Project Coordinator, "By incorporating trail brushing with trail etiquette education, we aim to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all individuals can feel empowered to care for our natural spaces. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact on the Redwood National and State Parks for generations to come."

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