May 17, 2024

Alcohol, drug addiction and machismo about firearm ownership during jury selection in Daniel Dozier's homicide case


Offers were discussed before Daniel Dozier's jury trial and jury selection started. On May 10, Dozier's case was on for trial assignment, it was trailing and finally assigned to Judge Steven Steward with motions in limine scheduled for May 14. Individual jurors were questioned. Then what started out as  courtroom full of jurors dwindled to only 4 jurors left to be questioned yesterday. A new panel of jurors will not be available until Monday. 

Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees and Ms. Andrea Sullivan are both experienced attorneys and know the importance of jury selection. Both attorneys will present their case skillfully and the make up of the jury will determine Dozier's fate. Judge Steven Steward has been running the process very efficiently.

Dozier was on a 911 call and admitted he shot Mia Felder. It is going to come down to whether jurors convict him of murder or feel it was justifiable homicide.

Jurors were questioned about alcohol and drug addiction and using force against someone in their home. The responses from some jurors yesterday were eye opening. One juror admitted that even if it came down to the jury instructions and the law given by Judge Steward and the act being illegal, he would lean towards using deadly force. There were three jurors who are hunters and there was machismo and one upmanship about how many firearms they owned. One juror said he, his wife and family swap firearms so the number of firearms in his home on a given day can vary. There were many San Francisco transplants and techies among the 16 jurors being questioned yesterday.

I am checking to see when jury and alternates will be sworn and unless there is a plea or some other development, the next post will be opening statements. The trial estimate is one month which includes jury selection.

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