May 22, 2024

Hung jury, now plea, Nick Martinez looked like he was going to burst into tears this morning while answering judge's questions


Nick Martinez looked like he was going to burst into tears while answering Judge Lawrence Killoran's questions this morning. His trial confirmation was continued from yesterday by Ms. Andrea Sullivan for a resolution.

Instead of a retrial on two counts, Martinez pleaded guilty to Count 4 possession of child porn and additional Count 5 sexual battery as a misdemeanor.  In the first trial, Martinez was found not guilty on Count 2; convicted on Count 3. Count 1 was dismissed. Martinez has to register as a sex offender. He is eligible for probation. The assault and battery case that was trailing was dismissed.

Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm's request for change to no bail status was granted. Arbuckle waiver and time for sentencing was waived. Sentencing is on 7/12. 

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