May 29, 2024

Had former Governor Brown and his team heeded warnings from local attorneys, the Kreis disaster and destruction of lives could have been avoided


I have contacted the California State Bar to see if Gregory Kreis has applied to reinstate his law license. I had already reported previously about Kreis seeking to practice law, most recently in a May 22 post with a court filing in Kreis' family law case and his own declaration.

I checked the State Bar website again this afternoon. It is now updated and the joke of aState Bar reinstated Kreis' license instead of disbarment.

I received an email from California State Bar minutes late afternoon. "Received your emails, Mr. Chiv. We will get back to you. Thank you."

The State Bar followed up with another response on 5/31. "Mr. Kreis was returned to active status as an attorney on May 28, 2024. To your other request for Andrew Isaac records, and others, related to the State Bar’s Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation (JNE)  investigative work, any responsive records would be part of JNE’s investigation process and are confidential and exempt from disclosure pursuant to California Government Code section 12011.5(f) and State Bar Rule 7.20."

Before Kreis was appointed in 2017 by former Governor Jerry Brown, the local bar was polled. This happens for all judicial candidates. The State Bar was given feedback, they and the Governor's office had warning including a written response by former Deputy District Attorney Andrew Isaac. I have asked the California State Bar for all those written responses. If they are confidential, the State Bar can let me know.

"My written response to the request for input regarding Kreis led to a phone call from the Governor's office," Mr. Isaac told me. "They ignored me. And here we are. Exactly as I predicted."

Thousands of lives destroyed by an incompetent man who admitted 17 out of 21 counts and disgraced the Humboldt bench. 

Others mentioned in the CJP proceedings, Kreis' fiance, his friends, his enablers, still work at 825 5th street. To think Kreis will not have influence or access to information or be in a position to retaliate against anyone he wants is naive.

I am no longer linking all my previous and extensive coverage of Kreis.

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