Feb 26, 2025

"If we go to prison, we can stick together and keep the Widmark name strong lol"


(Brandon Widmark FB profile)

I reported about Brandon Widmark's Arizona connection and Brandon and Jesse Widmark being former employees of Don's Rent-All in April 2023. My first two posts were on April 18 and April 19, 2023 and I observed law enforcement vehicles on different streets in Eureka. This was all before any information was released by HCSO.

Yesterday, Correctional Officer Samantha Sintic testified at a 402 hearing in the jury trial in the lead case against Brandon and Jesse Widmark. Humboldt Superior Court Judge Steven Steward is presiding over this trial. Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees took over this case from former Deputy DA Luke Bernthal. Ms. Andrea Sullivan represents Jesse Widmark. Ms. Rebecca Linkous is Brandon Widmark's attorney. Both defense attorneys have been court appointed.

This morning CO Sintic took the stand. She has been a CO for 15 years. HCSO Deputy Raleigh Willoughby  testified after lunch. He will be cross examined first by Ms. Linkous tomorrow morning, then Ms. Sullivan. Most likely today and tomorrow will be testimony from the officers.

Inmate Shawn Gallagher, one of the alleged victims in this case, still refuses to testify despite being granted immunity by the DA's office for his testimony in this case. He is still in contempt and in custody on a no bail status. Gallagher was held to answer by Judge Lawrence Killoran to Count 1 and 2 after his preliminary hearing yesterday in his 2025 case. Not held to answer on Count 3. Defense request to reduce Count 1 to a misdemeanor was granted. 

In a video that Mr. Rees intends to play for jurors, Brandon Widmark says, "I'd rather die than go back to prison  which is where I am going."

While in Humboldt jail, Brandon wrote this letter to his younger brother Jesse. They are housed in separate units. All this is a part of court record and testimony today.

"Jesse, so I wrote you a long letter because you think I'm going to rat because a rapist told you. I hope you are smart enough to know that Tim was lying. Dom was my cell mate. Tim already got dealt with before he went to prison. I'm going to mental health diversion so won't even go to trial. Fuck that DA. He is a punk. I hope you come around and stick with family. If we go to prison, we can stick together and keep the Widmark name strong lol. Me and my cellie have converted many. Our cell is the confederacy; almost most of our cell lol."

At the time Brandon wrote that letter, Mr. Bernthal was the prosecutor on the case. These words from one of the biggest punks and losers I have reported on in Humboldt in the 14 years I have done this blog and covered local courts.

In another letter to inmate Augustus Gibbens, Brandon wrote, "Gus, I need a favor from you to talk to my brother. If he is going to be a rat; if not he will be a man. "

"If he is, ...taken care of. I got a grand for you. Think of this as proving CSA and being proud of being white."

CSA = Confederate States of America.

Gibbens has his own record and case on calendar tomorrow. His attorney is Gregory Kreis. Gibbens waived preliminary hearing in his 2025 case and resolved his case today before trial.

Brandon and Jesse have no clue what it is to be a man; they can't even imitate being one. A real man doesn't run from problems and takes responsibility. A real man is a productive member of society and protects women and children. Brandon can't even spell prison. In People's Exhibit 8, Brandon spells the word "prsion." Brandon, the snitch, complained to CO Sintic that Jesse was leaving him threats in the rec yard that their housing units share. 

CO Sintic photographed the graffitti on the walls. In the earlier post I did are the 2/25 court minutes with messages scribbled for Brandon in the rec yard.

She testified that inmates will leaves notes for each other in the rec yard. While the area is cleaned, these messages "unfortunayely" can be left up for days and months.

I know Brandon's family, especially those out of town, are following my coverage. The truth and facts maybe inconvenient for them to hear but it is time they got a dose of reality. They need to hear and read that the actions of these two have cost and hurt others and could have endangered more lives if it was not for the actions of our local law enforcement. I see no remorse from either. Local family members have not been in court every day lately or only there for part of the day.

The jurors are going to hear all this despite Ms.  Linkous' efforts to keep out the ugly truth about her client whose arrogance and stupidity put him and his brother where they are today. 

Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees' arguments on motions to get this testimony before jurors were powerful. I have seen him prosecute many high profile trials and glad I am able to watch him prosecute this case, argue, present evidence and consistently win motions in this trial. This is another reminder of Mr. Rees delivering justice in yet another crucial case for the victims. In this case, some of those victims are not perfect and have records. You need an experienced prosecutor to keep the jurors focused on facts and what is at stake.

2/26/25 court minutes:

2/27 court minutes:

Gallagher preliminary hearing court minutes:

Gibbens court minutes and charges:

Earlier post:


**I am no longer listing every previous post on the trial or all the posts I have done on this case. They can be accessed via the search feature.**

First three posts on this case which had live and exclusive information:




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