Feb 10, 2025

Former Royal Inn maintenance worker settled a lawsuit against Royal Inn; now he is challenging a lien filed by his former attorney Michael Acosta claiming it is improper, that he had no written contract with Acosta who abandoned him during the case


I have been reporting on a lawsuit filed by Noah Sidoff against SNPM Hotels LLC (Royal Inn). Sidoff has been pro per, former local attorney Michael Acosta has represented him and currently Mr. Patrik Griego is his attorney.

Acosta is ineligible to practice law. Details have been covered on the blog many times.

There was a dismissal hearing scheduled for 2/7 and e court lists, the case confirms the case dismissed. There is a motion hearing today on 2/10 for declatory relief re notice of attorney lien. 

Sidoff's motion is about a lien filed by Michael Acosta which Sidoff saus is "improper and without legal effect" because Acosta had no written contract with him and Acosta "abandoned" him without justifiable cause during the case due to Acosta's suspension of law.

I just spoke with Mr. Griego after the hearing. Acosta was a no show. Judge Timothy Canning granted the motion to quash the lien.

A total of $137, 500.00 will be paid in two separate checks. The one to Janssen Malloy for $45,833.33. A second check to Janssen Malloy LLP Trust Account for Noah Sidoff for $91,666.67.

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