Jul 16, 2024

Reader asks valid salary, CALPers and retired annuitant question about Cheryl Dillingham


"Were you aware that Cheryl Dillingham, Auditor Controller is receiving an annual pension from CALPers in the amount of $130,009 AND a salary from County of Humboldt of $160,850 for 2023? 

You can verify on Transparent California - it includes pensions. 

Retired annuitants cannot work more than 960 hrs per year so Dillingham must be working part-time which would equal $167 per hour. "

I received this email yesterday afternoon from a reader.  I contacted Ms. Dillingham, Humboldt HR and CAO's office. I heard back from County PIO Cati Gallardo. 

"There are exceptions to the retired annuitant requirements for elected or appointed officials," Ms. Gallardo wrote in her response. " According to page 10 of the CalPERS Guide to Employment After Retirement (attached), you can serve in an elected or appointed office after retirement without reinstatement. However, if part or all of your retirement allowance is based on service in that office, the relevant portion of your allowance must be suspended during your time in office. Once you leave office, your allowance will be reinstated. This is all pursuant under California Government Code Sections 21221(d) and 21222."

"Auditor-Controller Dillingham’s situation is unique as she can draw her retirement while serving as a non-contributing elected official. The only stipulation is that if her retirement payments were based on the same elected position she currently holds, that portion of the allowance would be paused. Since Auditor-Controller Dillingham did not become the elected Auditor-Controller until January 2023, this rule does not apply to her."


Ms. Dillingham is not the only retired annuitant who works for the County. There are many in others who are not elected officials and work in various departments with several in HCSO and the DA's office. Some I like personally and professionally; others I don't. It isn't about my personal opinion which is based on many reasons and observations on individuals, their work ethic, their conduct and  professionalism. This is about the cost to taxpayers and the County budget. For most of these people, it is extra income they don't need to live and pay bills. 

Hiring of family, friends, sycophants because it is beneficial to Rexy or Billy or Maggie/Stacey is not what is in the best interests of Humboldt. Instead of another comment, letter or op-ed with Patrick Cloney saying the same thing about CALPers he has for decades; he can ask Rexy directly and hold the multiple term, career Supervisor accountable about retired annuitants and double dipping. Unless good ole boy Rexy gets a pass from Patrick Cloney; another generational good ole boy. 

Cheryl Dillingham started as Auditor Controller in 2022. Compare the change in her salary and benefits from Finance Director to her new job. A new experienced hire wouldn't cost as much as a retired annuitant but Rexy and the good ole boys don't want another Karen Paz Dominguez holding them or their buddies who benefit accountable. 

The screenshots are from Transparent California.

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