Jul 8, 2024

Boudreaux jury deadlocks on 5 counts; I was right about saying there were holdouts based on jury notes


Read my July 3 post on the deliberations. Didn't I say there was a holdout or few?. I called it last week based on the notes. 

The Pitchess motion and one of the alleged witnesses being arrested in the Fortuna attempted murder case are a harbinger of the same outcome in that trial.

It has been a very busy day and I was going to wait and post the update on alleged molestor Steve Boudreaux's trial. Based on the way the notes and deliberations were going which I just covered in detail last week, what happened does not surprise me.

However, I just heard from one of the jurors. I am not going to share most of the email or my response to honor the juror's wishes and I wont share most of my response for the same reasons.

That juror requested I not share their name and specific parts of the emails and I told them will respect that request. I did ask them to reconsider if I could post the entire email because it will give much needed closure to the Does and valuable insight to the attorneys and judge about the outcome. I also do not want the DA or anyone else to pressure this juror about talking with me or any future communication and decision. That has been done in the past.

The first two paragraphs have public information and does not identify the juror and sharing that still respects what the juror requested.  I emailed back and informed the juror that I would post the portion which is in italics below explaining why.

"Hi John

I am a juror from the Boudreaux case - we gave our verdicts today - sadly we were deadlocked on charges 1-5, all of which related to Doe 1.  We found him guilty on Charge 6 for Doe 2.

I am very unhappy about the deadlock part - so I came home and googled Boudreaux and your blog articles came up."

The DA is going retry the deadlocked counts. Trial confirmation is scheduled on 7/23 with sentencing on Count 6 trailing. Jury trial for Counts 1 to 5 on 8/26.

Retired Judge John Feeney was the trial judge. Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm the prosecutor. Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo was Boudreaux's attorney.

7/23: Trial confirmation continued by defense to 8/14 with sentencing on Ct 6 trailing; jury trial retrying Counts 1 to 5 scheduled for 8/26.

8/12: Defense motion to continue granted. No objection by the People. Trial setting,  trial confirmation, sentencing on Ct 6 trailing and  hearing on DA's motion to file amended complaint on 8/14.

8/14: Trial confirmation + sentencing on Ct 6 trailing +trial setting and DA's motion to file amended complaint continued by DA, because Deputy DA Whitney Timm is ill. 

8/21: Motion to file amended information continued by stipulation to 9/11. 8/26 date vacated. Trial confirmation rescheduled to 11/21; Sentencing Ct 6 trailing + JT (Counts 1 to 5) to 12/2.

9/11: DA Motion to file 3rd amended information granted.

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