Mar 1, 2018

Jurors in Goldberg jury are now escorted by the bailiff through a separate entrance and other changes

First, two jurors were called in individually, then the entire jury. When the jury was in, the courtroom was closed to the public.

When the courtroom was opened to the public, Judge Graham Cribbs briefly addressed the audience.

He did not single out anyone specifically. "I have no control over you all out there." He mentioned people not loitering near the entry way of the courtroom and near the jury and to be mindful of comments made in presence of the jury inside or outside.

Courtroom observers now exit the courtroom before the jury; enter the courtroom after the jury. The jury is now be taken inside the courtroom from a separate entrance and they exit from a separate entrance, escorted by a bailiff or court administrative staff.

The attorneys have to wait until they are let into the courtroom by the bailiff after the jury is seated. Then the public gets to go into the courtroom.

All this delays the start of the trial, and cuts into everyone's break and lunch time and requires extra staffing.

After my post last night, most of the other courtroom spectators had already made changes to their behavior. This was even before Judge Cribbs addressed us this morning.

Even after the Judge's remarks this morning, the blonde woman ( who said her daughter is dating Tim Smith Jr) was seen texting by another reporter. That reporter notified proper authorities. The same woman talked throughout the morning testimony and then got up and made a scene as she walked out of the courtroom.

There are two other jury trials going on at the same time. There have been other trials with challenges but the issues with this trial are a first.

Previous post:


  1. no cell phones policy in court? who's the baliff that should be enforcing the policy of no phones and silence?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The same bailiff that was there when this happened on Monday. All this didn't happen on Tuesday, the one day when Alan Mendes was the bailiff.


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