Nov 1, 2021

Public allowed back in courtrooms for jury trials

Another correction. An updated press release was issued at 4:17 p.m. by Humboldt Superior Court. Public have will be allowed in courtrooms for jury trials "commencing November 2, 2021 or later."

Don't why the clarification was necessary. The basic concept is the same. Public can be in courtrooms for jury trial effective November 2, 2021.


* Effective Tuesday, November 2, 2021, spectators will be allowed in the jury trial courtrooms.  **Spectators will be allowed for jury trials commencing November 2, 2021, or later.**  

This information may be modified without notice should there be a change in circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.    Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 2021-003 dated June 18, 2021, masks continue to be mandatory for all individuals while on the court floors, in courtrooms, while conducting business in the Clerk’s office and while attending jury service.  Calendars continue to be posted daily on the Court’s website:   If you are represented by an attorney, contact your attorney; if you represent yourself, check the daily court calendars to confirm your case is scheduled.  If you have a hearing scheduled, follow the directions on the Court’s website to access the hearing either by phone or computer.  The Court continues to encourage remote appearances for court hearings, and links to appear by video and/or by phone are available on the Court’s website referenced above.  

Original Press Release:

Effective Tuesday, November 2, 2021, spectators will be allowed in the jury trial courtrooms.  This information may be modified without notice should there be a change in circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 2021-003 dated June 18, 2021, masks continue to be mandatory for all individuals while on the court floors, in courtrooms, while conducting business in the Clerk’s office and while attending jury service. 

Calendars continue to be posted daily on the Court’s website:   If you are represented by an attorney, contact your attorney; if you represent yourself, check the daily court calendars to confirm your case is scheduled. 

If you have a hearing scheduled, follow the directions on the Court’s website to access the hearing either by phone or computer.  The Court continues to encourage remote appearances for court hearings, and links to appear by video and/or by phone are available on the Court’s website referenced above.  

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