Nov 13, 2017

Supes, I realize your County Counsel is a wee bit testy after losing & being chewed out nationally; but does he have to be a jerk in court?

Question for Humboldt County Board of Supervisors. Is this how you expect your County Counsel to act in court, with several media and public in attendance?

I realize County Counsel Jeffrey Blanck might be a wee bit testy after the HUMMAP and Magney lawsuits. The latter brought  national humiliation for Humboldt County. That does not justify being dismissive of other County employees and co-counsel as well as displaying immature behavior.

Mr. Blanck behaved in this manner towards Ms. Allison Jackson in a hearing on the Magney lawsuit. Today, he acted very unprofessionally towards Mr.Patrik Griego and made few statements in a courtroom with several Public Defender employees in attendance. This kind of behavior  should not be excused by you.

Here are just two examples.

The first condescending statement about Public Defender employees by Mr. Blanck was  "most of them have no idea" about why David Marcus' hiring was bad for the office and clients. That maybe his opinion, but he isn't on reality TV, he is representing this County, all of you and taxpayers.

The second statement was him being butthurt about Mr. Griego calling him out on questions being asked in the deposition. Again, he stated an opinion about how the employees feel.

 "The only irreparable harm is the cloud over the office and in Humboldt there are lot of clouds, they come and go," said Mr. Blanck.


  1. Mr. Blanck clearly has no idea what criminal defense involves, much like his client Mr. Marcus.

  2. Mr. Blanck clearly has no idea what a Public Defender or Criminal Defense Attorney does. His comments and behavior in the depositions is beneath his title as County Counsel and an embarrassment to this county. The Supes could care less. Whoever strokes their egos they support, with little to no regard for the people they represent. The collective IQ of his client, Mr. Marcus, and he in regards to criminal defense isn't enough to even fill out a plea form correctly. You'd think as many people as Marcus pleads out, he could do one right by now. We all know Marcus likes plead out his clients. Supposedly to save the county the cost of a trial but it's at the client's expense. After all, he has told the Supes he's a Budget Guy... yeah who pays the cost of that? The clients do and our community does as a whole. In actuality he pleads people because he is not able to do a trial effectively. He is mortified. All citizens pay economically as this lawsuit proceeds and their cost to defend it grows.

  3. he's a fucking idiot


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