Nov 3, 2017

"Instead of wasting time and money on depositions, maybe the County should have taken feedback from the Public Defenders before hiring a Public Defender"

Instead of wasting time and money on depositions, maybe the County should have taken feedback from the Public Defenders before hiring a Public Defender whose appointment is costing taxpayers a lot of money and controversy but it isnt like the County loses or settles lawsuits, oh wait, it does. Magney, HUMMAP, HUMCPR to name just a few.

Magney case, even made the New York Times.

I would have liked to attend a few of the David Marcus lawsuits, but this is not the only case and news story I am working on. I am sure with the County continuing to drag this lawsuit out, that information will be available eventually as a part of public records. 


  1. The supervisors are fully to blame for hiring this person. Total cost of all depositions/court time should come out of their $90K salaries.

  2. Who should they have hired? Why did the first person to whom the job was offered turn it down? How many others turned it down? Why not simply fire all the disgruntled employees, and start over? Gallegos had turnover of well over 100%. He got elected what, three times? Four? If it's good enough for the DA, why not the PD? Why didn't Griego sue Gallegos for incompetence?

    1. Anon,instead of firing questions, why don't you start by first having the guts to use your name? Don't give me that bs about retaliation because you are not special. I use my name and get and have faced a lot of retaliation, bs from "anons" like you who know it all, simply for exposing the truth. What makes you think you can demand answers? Are you paying for my time to engage you in useless debate? Incompetent people get hired all the time in Humboldt because of decades of bs and good ole boy/girl crap on both sides.I provided actual evidence of the incompetent County Counsel and plentycoverage on the current Public Defender for people who actually read. You are not interested in answers, you are just pissed. This has nothing to do with Gallegos. It has to do with poor choices of the past and current County Counsel and the inability of most, not all Board of Supervisors, to hold their employees,accountable. Easy to always stay anonymous and take no risk. Do you talk like this to any other media? I use the blog format here. I have worked in traditional media all over the country, as have others who are not from Humboldt. Only here in Humboldt do we have plenty of you clueless about what journalism is and think you are entitled to be demanding and disrespectful. Since you seem to think you know it all, either run for office, show your face and ask these questions to the Board of Supervisors and provide evidence for your rant or find another outlet to go pontificate on. I am getting tired of providing free therapy for Dumbolt's issues and clueless angry fools. I don't get paid $80,000 + benefits a year, the BOS does. Go waste their time.


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