Mar 20, 2016

From crime headlines, to employment, a home and a better hope and future for their children

Last night, I heard from Rebecca Hamline. She wanted to update me on the progress she and James Cunha have been making since they have been given another chance.

She is working full-time. James has some promising job leads, hopefully by summer, hopes to be employed. They signed papers for a new house, which will be large enough and a good place for their children. They have been attending family court, and Rebecca said, "God willing will have our children back in June."

This is a post I did back in March 2016. I don't just write about people who make the headlines, I also follow up on their success and get to know them as people. Did you know James is a Vet?

Looks like Rebecca and James are trying. They seem to be doing every thing that need to turn their life around. I wish them the best and pray that the naysayers, and those still entrenched in a life of crime and drugs fail in dragging James and Rebecca down; instead they follow their example of a new life.

Mar 1, 2016

Today's Fr. Eric miracle on my life; James and Rebecca this one is for you

Don't judge a book by its cover or in this case, by headlines.

Press releases don't tell the whole story and a criminal record is not the whole picture.

Covering the courts has  been a journey.

If you read my blog regularly, there have been posts about people who turned their life around. Majority of the people give me positive feedback. Even some whose cases I have covered. There are a few people who I write about that are upset at first, but then some of them have either reached out to me or I have reached out to them and what may be an adverserial interaction at first becomes a friendship among strangers.

Two cases that I have written about previously have changed their act and are working hard for another chance. James Cunha and Rebecca Hamline  are class acts.

They would have no reason to get to know me or reach out to me but they did. We talked today and I am glad. I would particularly like to thank them for their kindness regarding Fr. Eric and their support.

I wish them the very best and hope to write about their future successes.

Every one deserves a second chance, or third. Thanks Rebecca and James for the spirit of forgiveness and giving me that chance to get to know you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You So Much John. I am so glad I talked to you. You are a wounderful person and I look forward to future conversations with you.. I can guarantee you a success story..


  1. Thanks John!! We know the community owes us nothing, as a matter of fact we owe the community. However what better than to encourage individuals like us with the hope that we become productive members of society and give us a chance to give back to our community. My Probation Officer calls it a living amends, where is we just don't fall back in the criminal lifestyle and when it is made possible then we give back to the community. At any rate you have my respect for following up and we plan to accomplish what everyone said we couldn't. Thanks


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