Jul 16, 2015

Jane Doe's friend called Kufner "chomo"; details about abuse and Jane Doe telling police she was scared for her little sister's life

On Wednesday, July 15, Mr. Casey Russo, a Public Defender who represents John Kufner, continued his cross examination of Jane Doe #1. Interestingly enough, Mr. Russo's demeanor was slightly less aggressive than the day before.

Mr. Russo asked Jane Doe about the meeting at the DA's office. She said DDA Zach Curtis was present, DA Investigator Kyla Baxley, and someone from Rape Crisis. Her sister, Jane Doe #2 and her mother were at the DA's  office but not in the same room as her.

Then he asked her a whole bunch of irrelevant questions about her dog, Rosebud, sleepovers, field trips, none of which had anything to do with the alleged incident or added any information helpful to the alleged incident.

Jane Doe #1 was consistent in her answers. Same responses to Mr. Curtis and Mr. Russo.

During her cross examination, she testified that mentioned the abuse to a friend, who was also living at the MAC center. She described her as "my mom's friend's daughter" and said, "they were coloring."

Mr. Russo asked her why she did not tell Laurel Gilkerson, the CASA advocate or Kate Moser, her counselor about the inappropriate touching and the camping trip. There was some noise in the courtroom that distracted me from the back row(by the spectator who commented on my last post) and my notes are not clear on that response are not complete so I am not going to write what I think she said.

Mr. Russo asked her if she told law enforcement that a friend used to call Kufner "chomo." She said once. According to http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chomo, that term means child molestor.

During his cross, Mr. Russo asked a bunch of questions to which Jane Doe responded and said an "older cousin touched her", "in her private area", in the "front." Jane Doe said she was laying on a "small bed with a tall dresser that had a big TV." She was watching Spongebob, her cousin turned the TV off and told Jane Doe that she wanted to touch her. She did this with "her hand." Jane Doe said that she thinks she told her mom about this incident.

In response to a question by Mr. Russo, no one from the DA's office and police asked her about this incident.

When Mr. Russo asked her how often Kufner touched her, Jane Doe said, "It happened every single night." She said she would get into bed at the same time as her sister, around 8 p.m., but she "didn't sleep until 2 a.m. because I was scared."

Mr. Russo asked her if Kufner touched her with one or two hands. Jane Doe said "one hand." He ten asked her what Kufner did. "He put his hand in my underwear," said Jane Doe. " Mr. Russo asked her  "What did he do?" and Jane Doe responded, "Something he shouldn't have."

Jane Doe said she doesn't wear pull ups anymore and that she did tell police officers that she wet her bed while living with Kufner "because she was scared for her little sister's life."

After she told her mom, her mom called her CWS worker, Donnie Sanchez.

On re-direct examination by Mr. Curtis, she told Elsie from Rape Crisis that "Ed did something but no details."

DDA Curtis: "Do you know what inappropriate means?"

Jane Doe: "Yes" Then she said it means something like if someone is wearing a short skirt, you don't look up their skirt, it is wrong.

DDA Curtis: "Do you know what rape means?"

Jane Doe: "Sexual assault."

DDA Curtis: "What does that mean to you?"

Jane Doe: "It means someone touches someone when you don't want them to."

Mr. Russo had insinuated that Jane Doe was coached and she had answered him and gave the same response to Mr. Curtis.

DDA Curtis: "Did someone tell you how to answer?"

Jane Doe: "Just that in court, you don't shake your head, you say No, Yes."

Jane Doe answered Mr. Curtis' question and said her cousin was 12, she was 4, at the time of the incident.

DDA Curtis: "Was that touch different from when Ed touched you?"

Jane Doe: "She did not put her hands inside any of my clothing."

DDA Curtis: "Was he moving his fingers or keeping it still?"

Jane Doe: "Moving his fingers."

She said he got up on the bed with her.

DDA Curtis: "Were you uncomfortable when he touched you?"

Jane Doe: "I was uncomfortable every time he touched me."

Mr. Russo briefly questioned her again on re-cross examination. She denied that she asked Kufner to stand outside the bathroom. "I am not scared to go to the bathroom; I just didn't want to go near his room without someone there."


  1. I make no noise in the courtroom sir. I just don't think you are keeping an open mind. Having been through a month long trial on a persona matter, I know better than to create any kind of disturbance in the courtroom.

  2. Donna, you still have not answered my question, which one is your real name? And what is your interest in this case? You seem to have a lot of time to come attend this jury trial daily. You are obsessed and comment on this blog and this article constantly; that only happens when someone has a personal stake. Most people leave a comment and that is it. As for whether you are making noise, your saying you don't does not make it so. As for an open mind, you should be the last one to question anyone else when you have jumped to conclusions about me, someone you don't know.
    Your having gone through a month long trial could very well have biased you on the courts in general.
    Since you do not seem to be forthcoming about your identity and interest in this case, I am no longer interested in your input or opinion and consider this a written public notice for you not to talk or approach me in the courthouse. I am not interested in anything you have to say or engaging with you further or online.


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