Mar 4, 2015

Within two months, DA Maggie Fleming fulfills campaign promise to "restore trust in the DA's office"

It's been two months, cases are moving along without the same old excuses.
Families and victims, especially in homicides, are seeing vigorous prosecution and being consulted in decisions. DA Maggie Fleming is accessible, her office is accessible for answers. No special treatment for any media source. While prosecutors are still overworked in an office needing more staffing, you see better morale and encouragement of teamwork. A new DDA was in Courtroom 1 today. The voice of the People is heard loud and clear in the courtrooms and defense attorneys do not run the show.

In two months, the change is substansial, as Chief Mills said. I feel hope.

Often after elections, change is slow and the difference is not felt so acutely.

Thank you Maggie for keeping your campaign promise. You have restored trust and dignity to the office of the District Attorney.

If this is what two months brings, I look forward to future improvements.

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