Nov 12, 2014

Wharfinger packed for EPD ceremony

Sea of blue photo is all EPD personnel here today. City, Sheriff, EPD, APD, families packed the Wharfinger. Virginia Bass, Mike Newman, Mayor Jager, Sheriff Downey among elected. Also present Melinda Ciarabellini and Linda Atkins. Eureka councilmember Marian Brady is out of town at the Leage of Cities Conference. Eureka 5th ward Councilmember elect Natalie Arroyo attended.

Pledge of Allegiance, national anthem. Chief Mills quipped, "Don't you feel like you areat aHSU football game." The crowd laughed.

Mayor Jager sharing "war stories about his law enforcement days." Congratulted Chief Mills on candidates being promoted.

Chief Mills explained process of selection. Twice thanked all attending. Recognized City Councilmember elect Natalie Arroyo by name for attending. Thanked citizens of Eureka for passing Measure Q.

Capt. Stephens and Captain Watson both stressed changes over the years, including in methodology. "We must acknowledge the mistakes of our past and look to our future with optimistic change," said Capt.Watson. "I will hold us accountable," said Capt. Watson. "Like Brian said, we will lead by example."

"We have taken some hits over the years, some undeserved, some we need to own," said Captain Watson.

The sheriff's deputies were handling calls for the hour long ceremony. Chief Mills thanked Sheriff Downey at the ceremony for this so the EPD officers could attend.

Chief Mills added a lot of humor to the award ceremony. When new hires were being recognized, one of them wrote in her bio that she likes to bake. "I have not been the recepient of this," said Chief Mills.

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